Not in a stack but i almost ran it over on my way to wood storage the other day. 4' black snake crossing the road. Had to get a photo op before sending it on its way.
Not in a wood stack, but under where I have my ibc totes stacked. Finally getting around to cutting up and disposing of the bladders. Didn't recognize the pattern.
Moved the tarp off the splitter yesterday and this T-rex beetle was there. I told him one of my dad jokes and this was his reaction! Dont know the type of beetle, but the name fit!
I have those to in my pile of locust and oak…i seen a huge one with an orange red bayonet looking thing coming rite out its azz!
No critter found, but their nest. This stack was just done last weekend so Micky or Minnie didnt waste any time. Nest was evicted.
I didnt find it and not found in a stack but the smallest snake ive ever seen. Freshly hatched? It a ring necked snaked.