Never understood that. Everybody has something they don't like/eat. I remember in grade school a teacher came by while i was eating lunch and told me i had to eat my peas. I finished my milk, put the peas in the empty carton and kept going. I'm 54, and i still don't like peas. I'll eat them, but i don't like them.
Fresh oven roasted brussel sprouts are great. Peas, I’m out, won’t eat em. TurboDiesel I didn’t really do anything to these, just left them alone and they are doing ok. Some kind of pest control would have helped a lot as they have been getting eaten up by something. Will definitely grow them again and maybe try some tricks I watched on YouTube, like trimming lower leaf stalks. Until then, we will be making these. Can’t wait. The tomato’s are delicious.
Same here. We got a really late start. The Brussels (seed sprouts) were in the house way too long. Once they finally got in the ground, they just sat there, doing nothing. They did grow some. A couple got maybe 14-16" tall. And the top 8-10 leaves were totally defoiliated by something. The 5 largest plants i clipped the tops off of last week as they were showing signs of fruiting. I have my doubts ill get any... I'll have a better time next year getting the garden in. It was tough (and a bit expensive) trying to get the new garden ready. And the dirt doesn't seem to good.
More on that later. But i now have a source for fall leaves. I should get 6+ (12x7') dump trailer loads. We have many tons of composted wood chips and now a load of straw. I'll be putting down compost and probably mushroom mulch in the fall.
The other thing you can do is plant turnups and then till them up after the frost... Good for the compactness and nutrients of the soil...
Just got home, hurried out to the garden hoping to find lots of tomatoes ready for lunch. Found a couple with cracks from the rain. So... we had to eat them. Lol View attachment 350208
No pics, but had a Black Krim on 15 grain and Helmans for lunch. I think I’d pay $30 for that sandwich in January!