It was good. I'm pretty sure the last cigars I bought, besides my cigarillos, was this Nub sampler pack. It had like 20 or so, in it. I'm one of the guys that does like to buy sampler packs. I'm not overly picky with cigars, so even if some in there aren't the best, it's still tolerable for me, usually. Does anyone here buy from JR? I think I only saw them mentioned once. I've been pretty happy with their "Alternatives" line, for cheaper smokes. I see you got a cigar drill as well. I bought one pretty fast because I ran into a bunch of cigars that were stupid tight and I couldn't get them to draw for nothing, but they were good cigars. Drilled a hole in them and that solved that problem.
The ones that I had to use my drill on were the Montecristo Afrique Kubwas. Very good smokes. Next to the Platinums, they've been my next in line favorites.
I have only bought from JR once, most of mine come from CigarBid & Cigars International, I bought a few from Thompson’s; I think they are all owned by the same company just different subsidiaries. I bought a few from & a few from My Perfec Cut has helped with a handful of cigars also, it’s pretty handy to have just in case.
The Judge was ok, as with most of mine they probably just need more humidor time. I have another that can rest for a good long time before I fire it up. Chvymn99 We’re you feeding the whole neighborhood or just family ?
Thanks man. I too am a Chevy man. My daily driver is a 1980 C10 Custom Deluxe, my Grandpa ordered brand new in '79. I like several of the Nubs. Good smokes.
I'd like to try a v cutter. Never tried one of those. I think I bought my foot locker from CI, but that's all I recall buying from them. I like that JR has deals as you check out. Like I got a 5 pack of Platinums once for half price, just by adding them to my order at the checkout. You don't get to pick what they offer, but it's a good way to get good cigars a lot cheaper than what they normally go for. It was a good way for me to build up my supply a bit cheaper when I first started. (No affiliation by the way. I guess we need to say that nowadays.)
Having a Nicaraguan Cream or at least I think that’s what it is. I can’t seem to find an invoice for where I got them. I think I got them from Make me an offer ???
I looked thru the sampler of Nubs I got & no double maduros. These are the only dark ones that came in that sampler ( I think I already smoked the Maduro they was in it ) but I do still have several of those Nicaraguan 2nds left though; they are pretty good & rather strong.
If any of you gents are interested Cohiba Puro Dominicanas Robustos on CB are going for $88.94 & Churchills are about $95, those are boxes of 25. It’s in the free fall area, going for another 5-1/2 days.
I cut some fence posts & a load of firewood this morning & now I am rewarding myself with this San Latano Requiem Maduro while hauling some corn.
The San Lotano was a very good cigar. I salvaged these from the sweltering hot mailbox, the mail man must of used a shoehorn to get the box in there. I figured he would deliver to the porch but… So I have them laid out normalizing a bit before I put them in my coolers.
I will get a pic when I get back home. I have 3 Igloo 48q’s. Two were $19 & the last was $25, all were walmart purchases. I have my little 9qt Igloo/Coleman for daily use when I am going to be out all day in the tractor/truck & another 15-19qt for flavored cigars.