The LFD La Nox I bought was $8.25 for the 5”x40, it looks like most places that have them are at $12-$14 for them.
The $12-$14 ones are Toros, $7.56 is the best price on the petit Coronas. Most places the toros are sold out. I don’t believe I have ever seen them on CB.
Having a Cohiba Black while hauling some corn. I like seeing the gals at the scale house eyes light up when they see me with a stogie then chastise me because it’s a no smoking site. I don’t smoke while unloading, heavy corn dust can be highly explosive.
Had one of these this evening while picking blackberries. I am not sure what was bigger the smoke cloud of the swarm of mosquitoes Should be roughly 2 qt.
That La Gloria was a darn good cigar, I was a little leery at first, when I first started the wrapper was pretty spicy/peppery, my lips were tingling but it settled down quickly. I left it outside for about 5 minutes when I went in the house & when I picked it back up it was still burning. It burned nicely also.
My former next door neighbor gave me one of those early last year. I'm pretty sure I had it already, but I'll have to check it out. He had said the same thing bout them being good! His wife knew we were looking for a place to buy and told us about this one. Ended up buying it before it was listed with a realtor!
I had this one this evening while out & about checking things over. I need a bit more practice with centering up my Vcutter. The wild flowers are looking good.
I have seen those cutters used in an "X " or a "+" shape. (Which would be the same configuration depended on just how you hold the cigar) I don't have one myself but could have (should have) last month. How do you like yours?
I like it, I did one x-cut but the end expanded a bit so I haven’t done one since. I am not enough of an aficionado to really notice a difference in draws between regular cut, hole punch or v-cut. I do think if you don’t get your v-cut centered that it has an affect on the burn. The cheapo plastic cutter I got with some cigars is still my favorite.
Going to try this one out this morning. I need to go back they my records & figure out exactly which Ave Maria are which.
I can see how that would happen.....especially if someone were to chew on the cigar for awhile before lighting it! Not saying any names or pointing fingers, but if Chvymn99 ears ain't ringing, they should be!