I saw that! Pretty crazy. My dad is a retired Colorado State Trooper. He told me a long time ago that Colorado is a major smuggling hub due to to it’s location and highway system. It’s in the middle of the country - and you can get from Mexico to Canada on I-25 (South to North). You can also get from California to New York on I-70 (West to East). Both of those highways intersect in Denver. Almost all of the drugs, human trafficking etc pass through Colorado. Not something I’m proud of.
Yep, ATL has a bunch of junk come thru also, with I-75, I-20, I-85 and the huge airport there... Glad we live in the country...
We get it here as well across the Canadian border. Canada will accept anyone so the drugs get smuggled there then drive across the border. Oh and we don’t have enough border patrol people anymore, they have all “decided” to go work on their tans down south!
City of Orlando council sparks fury with woke email to promote July 4 fireworks little to celebrate | Daily Mail Online
I work with a young women that is a vegetarian/vegan. It's mostly due to autoimmune issues but she has moral justifications too. She is pregnant with her and her husband's first child. Both of them have PhDs and are actually really smart. As soon as she found out she was pregnant she started talking with her medical doctor about what she needed to eat for the baby's healthy development. I'm sure she was researching the topic before they even started trying to have a child. She is all in on eating meat and the required animal fats for the baby's brain and organs to develop fully while minimizing her possible health complications. She has her reasons for being a vegetarian/vegan but she has modified her diet to nurture her child. Some people commit to a type of living based on reason and fact, others do it as a type of religion to replace something missing in their lives. Their belief becomes their identity.
National Education Association teachers union proposes resolution to change 'mother' to 'birthing parent'
Well doncha know there are pregnant people, and not just pregnant women?! “WTF is next?” The dissolving of America- if they keep trying to get their way… you know what that will lead to…
Every year the acronym gets longer. The + sign at the end of it now is indicative that they’re already planning on adding others. Who that might be, I can only speculate. Perhaps the new “MAPs” (minor attracted people AKA pedophiles) and maybe folks that are into farm animals.
It sounds like you are trying to vilify LGBTQ+ people and those that support them as condoning Pedophila or you are trying to say LGBTQ+ people are deviants or criminals like pedophiles.
No, not quite but I can see how you would take it that way. My own sister and several cousins are in “the community” and I don’t look at them any differently than I did when we were growing up. Also in an effort to understand transgender people, I’ve watched a lot of videos put out by some of them, to hear in their own words what it’s like, and try to empathize. I walked away with the conclusion that I’m glad my physical biology matches my gender expression and that I’m attracted to the opposite sex. It must be hard for people who don’t fit the mold, if they want to fit in society while staying true to themselves. With all that being said, I do have a genuine concern over what some people are trying to normalize. “MAP” isn’t just some right wing talking point, and it should be a red flag that maybe it’s time to tap the brakes and reflect on what we want society to look like in years to come. I don’t think it’s a bad thing to have both an open, accepting society, and one that stomps out what needs to nipped in the bud before it blossoms into a monster. I believe in live and let live, unless when to do so harms others. Then it’s time to collectively stand up for what is right. Performing surgery on kids that aren’t fully developed mentally or physically, giving them hormone blockers to interfere with their internal biology, and giving a pass to people that wish to harm children, are where I’d draw the line. I hope all that clears up your perception of what my personal beliefs are concerning the LGBTQIA+ community.
No, it didn't sound like that at all. Take that chip off your shoulder and go back to the former Dave Gunter......please! It's getting tiresome!
Man there's a lot of letters flying around up in here.... It's amazing that we're giving sicko whackjobs that should have their face rearranged by fathers touchy feely "PC-ish" names.....
Yep, we must draw the line somewhere, or it will be an anything goes, free for all society, pretty much like some cities now... The Bible stated this would happen, why was Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed...