Was cutting some 4' splits to length when I saw something out of the corner of my eye on the stack. Thought it was Mr. mouse. I moved a split and the biggest spider I ever saw came crawling out. I had my standard size tape measure lying there, and with the legs it was as big as that. I know the rule is pics or it didnt happen, but I was kind of shocked and slightly taken back to see a spider that big. Went for phone to get pic and it went back up the stack. I hope to see it again for a photo op.
Stacking some splits today and found these little twin garter snakes. I must say they are so adorable at that age. Went back to stacking and found a third one the same size. Later on i picked up a split and momma (or daddy) snake was under the bark when it fell off. I jumped that time. Better than finding a bees nest!
They are cool! With little lickety tounges. I dont know if my stacks have sneks....Ive seen shed skin but no critter. With all the mice, wood chucks, chipmunks, there should be dozens of snakes.
Saw my old buddy yesterday. BIg Black Snake. Almost ran him over with the quad. I was surveying an old pile of rounds that needed to be cleaned up. Not paying attention to where I was driving. Mostly maple that I cut up four winters ago. Thought they were solid at the time but they must have been frozen solid LOL Started processing that spring and they were punk. Been sitting ever since. Anyway he must be around five feet long now. And fast as all get out. I’ve noticed I had quite a few chipmunks last year but they’re gone now. Wondering if he took off for awhile. Ran all that maple through the box wedge and made fill for the trail.
I might run across a few snakes around here in a year's time. That is about it. Sometimes we get these really huge moths on the wood pile with their wings wide open.
Dear ol Mom found this between my house and the processing area yesterday. Friendly neighborhood rattlesnake is getting big. This time next year I should have some real pimpin mofo tube socks.
Lives in the concrete slab that once was the cow barn. Right off my driveway, the entrance to the field. No one has ever seen him, just his skins. It’s a great place to live. Probably gets all warmed up without having to lay on top. They hunt mostly at night. If you remember at the start of our walk I gave the option to backtrack out of the field to the trail or bushwhack 30 feet through the thick ferns. I said tics and snakes right
Ok. For future reference I’ll be sticking closer to the trails from now on Hey I like your new avatar. Explaining the finer points of black Birch LOL
We're seeing record numbers of snakes this year here. Guessing some kind of brown garter snake. Rolled a bail of straw over and saw 2 yesterday. 4 while moving a a stack of rounds last month. And a couple huge black snakes. (Hearing a lot of rattle snake stories also. Nothing local, but close enough to make you think. Yuck)
Found this guy today while moving one of my stacks. I’ve run into him several times over the las t year or so. He’s probably thinking the same thing, “I keep running into this big goofy guy disturbing my campsite.”
Looks like he has plenty of food in the area. What kind of snake is it? Looks a little like a garter but too thick in the tail.