I'd be a bit higher than 1000. More like 1700-2000. Cash is cash, but a guy has to earn a living too. Its your equipment on the line and if something happens to it you need to replace/repair plus pocket money. Enjoy the trip if you get it. Clear cutting and chunking is pretty easy depending on the ground. I used to chunk firewood for a friend on a $100 bill. Drop em and cut to 4 ft chunks and walk away. Made good money doing that and helped him out.
Talked to Darren tonight and he had some communications with the powers that be for this job. Don’t know yet if he got it, but has a pretty narrow window to get it done, it’ll happen the weekend of July 16 if he is awarded the bid.
SWMA. State wildlife management area a little south and east of Welfleet which is south of North Platte. Clearing a spot for public shooting range I guess.
Got family in wellfeet so been there a few times. Glad they were spared from the recent fires and rains have came
Looks great next week, which I’m thrilled with as My oldest graduates the 14th and we plan to party with her outside. Wonder what my wife would think if I decided that’s also a good day to css some ash I grabbed a while back
Long enough she’s got me fully trained… I swear…well she’s sure tried anyways. Like to keep her on her toes since I’m not good at sweeping her off her feet the normal way
More best answer material right there ^^ These Nebraska guys are full of best answer material or maybe just full of something…
Ja Jade and Jess Egle’s cousin Michael owns the house on the southeast corner of the dam at wellfleet just a stone’s throw across the road to the water. Not sure if he has the place rented out anymore or not. He has lived in Pinedale WY for about the last 20 years, but kept ownership of the place for a retirement home. If you want, I could check to see if it is rented… if not you could probably camp in his yard and at least have access to to running water.
I’ll keep that in mind, I’ve met cousin Michael a couple times. Don’t see any “real” need for running water, I’m thinking a 5 gallon jug of potable water for coffee and a couple mountain house meals and a case of bottled water for drinks. (Maybe 2 cases since it’s going to be mid July) Probably running to North platte today, if’n I do, I’m gonna run on down and get my eye on the situation