Not sure if this is the right place to post this or not. Apologies in advance lol. We have all encountered it. I’ve done it. Same chain I hit a wire with a week or so ago will not stay sharp at all now. Sharpen it and make about 10 cuts and it’s back to being dull as can be. Any advice I’d love to hear it!!!
How are you sharpening it and what brand of chain? Sometimes i dont sharpen enough after i hit metal and first try its still dull. Strict hand filer here.
I have a bench sharpener. It sure feels sharp when I get done with it and then it peters out quick once I start cutting.
Tough call on whats wrong. Possibly bad chain that wasnt hardened correctly? Sounds like youve been doing it right all along. I had a chain recently that was so hard the file would slide right off and not remove metal.
Take some pics. As the chain is now and after you sharpen it. Did you bring the rakers down after sharpening? Did you measure the gap?
A picture will help see potential issues. Hitting metal shouldn't mess with temper, grinding on the other hand can fork it up pretty quick. Stihl chain has more durability than any other brand. Something is amiss. Stihl does make a progressive plate to get the rakers/depth gauges right. Maybe this would get you back on track.