I might add its a calm, nonchalant adult watching without a care or worry. My how things have changed. The boy on the bike could easily have been myself or any of my outlaw group during that wonderful time period in history Great memories indeed.
Dad would only buy me used bicycles, as all we ever did was build ramps and jump them...tends to be hard on equipment
As these were the days of Evel Knievel, one of our buddies convinced his younger brother to jump a new house foundation (just the foundation in place at this time) in a home made (built by us of course) go-kart. Big Event! All kinds of kids from surrounding neighborhoods showed up to watch the spectacle. Just like Snake River Canyon, he bailed and couldn't go thru with it. Likely a good decision Thinking back now its more like but this was the days of dirt bikes, building tree forts, riding old oil tanks as boats in the marsh areas, adventure and trying crap out for the fun of it.
And god forbid.... Swimming unsupervised in the local river daily. Building rafts. Shooting pop bottles and whatever we could find worth plinking at. Evel Knievel was a hero Sorry. End of sidetrack
Lets not forget blowing things up with firecrackers, m-80's, cherry bombs............. And none of this was an issue-we weren't the trouble kids, this was normal kid stuff Holy crap, today we would be all over the news
In my younger days we would vacation in Fla yearly. We'd stop @ South of the Border and I was allowed to get a bag of M-80's or whatever they were. Put one under a 5 gallon bucket and it would launch higher than our single level addition on our house! The good ol' days.
This is how we roll, 87 Citation motorhome, 06 VStar 1100 Classic (dark red), 04 Vstar 650 Classic (red & black)