Homemade chili crisp, so addicting. Was getting the store bought stuff but had some questionable ingredients from China in it. The homemade stuff actually taste better and is a bit healthier seeing you can control the oil you use. I’ll link you the recipe if interested. And yeah, it’s pretty spicy!
This batch turned out much better than the first! Less pepper and a bit more brown sugar. The smaller piece i cure with granulated honey instead of brown sugar. I think I like the brown sugar bellie better.
I can eat rare, but honestly I tend to find that med rare seems to have more flavor to me. Not sure if it's due to the extra little bit of heat bringing out flavor, or just in my head....
It’s Chinese, Szechuan as far as I know. If you look it up you’ll find all sorts of stuff on it. It’s become quite popular in last few years and with good reason, it’s delicious if you like spicy food. I haven’t made the homemade stuff in a few months but when I do I man is a huge batch and give jars to friends and family, they all love it. I see your in VA, you have wegmans there? Thought they were into VA now. I know the one near me stocks it and I also have a huge Asian market pretty close. Store bought or homemade it’s delicious and I put it on a lot of stuff. Lemme know what ya think. Happy Lady Sauce {Homemade Chinese Spicy Chili Crisp}- Lao Gan Ma
How can anything call Happy Lady Sauce not be awesome !! Probably should be in the handbook for newly married