I built this off of an idea that popped into my head. Each bay holds 5 cords, which when I get it filled, will be 3 years of wood.
10' wide, 8' deep, and like 11' tall I forget the height, because stacking all the way to the top at the front of the shed is tough. So 30' long.
Thanks for all the advice. Still working on this. Kind of debating just buying something. The reality of me getting this done between upcoming mowing season, kids sports and other stuff is not likely…. Something like this might do the trick but should the lack of airflow be a concern?? Thanks!
I think you'd be leaving a bit of airflow with that. Could they spec that so every other slat is an open slat on the sides??
It’s called KT custom barn. Chances are they’ll already have a photo of something similar built as a wood shed. I would want some opening in the sides and larger overhangs to keep the rain off. I’m sure they could do it easy enough.
Those were my thoughts exactly unless he was moving already dried wood into it. Airflow is important makey98