You're 5 years ahead on your 3 year plan, still collecting wood, and house chores keep falling further and further behind... and you appreciate how patient your wife is.
When you meet some town folk and tell them where you live and they ask “the house with all the firewood?”
Or your neighbor stops by and suggest you sell some firewood to him cuz it’s not going to be any good by the time you get to it.
You know when you have 3 big trees down and at least another 5or6 to drop on your own property, but continue to hoard elsewhere.
I’m going to cut a dead one tomorrow I’ve been looking at for at least 3yrs. It’s a mystree too. I figure it’s the brush cleanup that I avoid for so long. Since it’s been dead so long I’ll try running the bush hog over the small stuff.
We're in town. And we're the corner lot. 20 cord does not go unnoticed. You might be a firewood hoarder if: people walking by your place whilst you're out stacking, and offer the trees from their yard when they come or came down.
It marked where the sidewalk and driveway met. It held tools and beverages when someone was working on a vehicle.
Might be a wood hoarder if all your coworkers are tired hearing about your cutting and hoarding experiences.
Or if they share their own and that fosters good relations: sharing tales, woes, sucesses and swapping wisdom. Sca
You see these beautiful sticks of cherry and remember the biggest cherry tree you ever scored and where it came from.
You might be a wood hoarder if... ...your significant other threatens to leave you if you bring home more wood and the next day you pull in with a PU full of black locust!
or... if you've got a fishing trip this week, and while you're out in the garage getting ready for it, you automatically gravitate to your chainsaw needs.... making sure you have plenty of bar oil, and mixing up another 1/2 gallon or 50:1 gas/oil, even though you don't need it. That reminds me, I need to finish getting ready for my fishing trip...