Not nearly as big as the other 2 posted but one of my favorites. Killed him with a compound early 2000's. Also 1st week of November. Everything stops for me the last week of October through the 2nd week of November except for bow hunting.
Yes field dressed. Not many go over the 200 lb mark in these neck of the woods but a few do. That was my only 200+ lb buck. Got several in the 180's & 190's. Camp next to us took a 163 lb doe this past fall. Her chest was huge. Here's the 212 on my buddies Honda dressed. He was pretty thick.
First deer with my new 450 Bushmaster that I put together (AR style). Iowa changed the allowed firearms from shotgun slug only to include straight wall rifle cartridges.
Yea he's got a neat rack. Double main beam right out of the base and almost matching tines on each one. Funny thing is I didn't even notice that when I shot him. He came in out of nowhere and I only saw his rack for a quick second. XXL wow those are some big boys!
At some point in the past someone was being stupid and apparently tried to poach this guy with a shotgun. I found a lot of lead shot in the neck area while I was caping him out.