We've been moving towards the totes. We have several customers that love it when we just load the tote and they bring it back on their next run. I believe we have somewhere around 100 at this time. Took awhile to get Lefty and now Edwin on board with the idea.
I have around 50 totes. I really like them. You have to watch what was initially in the tote cause there’s alway a little bit left inside. I’ve seen everything from racing fuel to roundup in them.
True, my point is you have to do something with chemical left inside. Black die wouldn’t bother me much but some stuff would.
At $128/gallon for Roundup, I'll take a few of those totes. My tote supplier gets every ounce of Def out of his.
I noticed on the Dallas FB marketplace while here on business someone selling totes for 25 bucks. But I live in Vermont…sigh Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Have a dozen totes loaded up with short cutoffs so far and have used 4 bladders on pallets for wood boiler wood. They will stay under cover until it’s time to burn the contents. No more handling this wood multiple times.
Nice! Perfect arrangement for them. PITA for me as i dont have bins, but dont generate them at a fast rate either. Need a couple more pallet bins
I still haven't gotten rid of my bladders. I'm thinking of cutting them in half, diagonally and turning them into bases for a paintball play area in my pine bush.