I've always heard the average cost of a cord of wood should be about equal to 100gals of fuel oil. Your mileage will probably vary.
Heating Oil is $5.35/gallon here. So $535 a cord. People would lose their minds. lol You sure you didn't mean same heat output as 100 gallons of oil?
I generally don't pay for wood and I'm not buying equipment presently. I don't plan to raise the selling price of any of my products. However, while I don't deliver that much, I had already raises the delivery price per mile on January 1 and, based on prices in the last week, it's gone up again effective immediately. This allows people to pick up wood without seeing any increases but will compensate me for taking it to them, which is where most of my increased costs are.
That's a pretty easy measure there. One of you smart guys should average the cost per 1000 btus of gas, electric & fuel oil. We could then price firewood a few percentage points below that number per btu and still be competitive. They might change their tune if they get cold enough. At $495.00 per cord it might start looking like the better deal. Edit: If a cord of wood will heat for a month at $500.00 and a tank of propane for $800.00 to a thousand it might get to be busy.
I should figure out how much bar oil, saw gas, and splitter gas I use per cord of firewood. The super efficient 6hp Subaru Robin engine goes through gas like crazy. Gotsta be 2 gallons/ 8 hour or so day AT LEAST which for a slow day would be 4-5 full cords....geeesh All told I have to be in it for $10/full cord.
I can’t like this, but, your right dc is way out of touch, they have no idea what people are going through. Especially if you have kids, it’s tough, we are going to have to get back to good/ better family values. Paying more attention to our family, getting along better. Then, we might stand a chance, but,it’s going to take work and time.
I wish you were closer. We could hit the score I'm on.....for days and not get it all. It would really be a two person job. Sca
Any pics Dave? You been working on it? I do have dead trees i could cut in my friends woods where my wood storage is.Maybe a dozen. Problem is getting them out. No power equipment. Have to be wheelbarrowed out. I do enough of that here in my woods. Little by little we may harvest them. Couple from last year still working on.
DC doesn't care about the people.They essentially say we have to suffer these conditions to be patriots.A old timer told me years ago that times would one day get real bad.He went on to say that times would get good and everyone would be singing happy days are here again.He said this will last for about a year.After that the bottom will fall out.I think this is the time before the good times that he was talking about.
I hear you about hauling a distance. This is the same except I will be able to meander truck and trailer back there. No pics yet, just one tree down, bucked, split by hand and hauled out. Wait...i do...first stump. The tree was leaning toward 12, and well weighted to 230. I cut for 11, tree fell dead on at 12. My back cut was too low....I cut under my wedge. It was a mavelously slow fall. Top bits were dry. I bucked and delivered them that afternoon.
I see no problem raising the prices. Its damm good hard work and with energy costs the way they are I see more people turning to wood burning appliances, so the market will get bigger. Unfortunately that means a bunch of people who may not have a clue what they're doing and what goes into the entire process. I thought about selling some here and there. Just to have some extra funds for tools, beer, and hunting equipment. But now Im not so sure. I keep thinking to keep my stacks exrta deep, maybe the worse is yet to come.
I don't know if any are thinking about the situation the common folks are in here in the country.The money folks who own all the politics are tightening the screw bit by bit.Can you imagine if the property taxes double or triple how many people will lose their homes.The excuse will be we have to do it because all maintenance cost are rising so we have to raise prices.People's checks have and will continue to shrink to the point of not being able to keep up.This plot is a slick way to keep sucking the blood out of the working class.The money Barons don't need us anymore.They have robots to replace the people.Now all they have to do is figure out how to get rid of the bodies.I say this to say we are all on our own.So ya don't sell too much wood.Stock up like you've never stocked up before.So many will be trying to burn wood that it'll become very difficult to find wood.Get your stash up before the people wake up and that goes for everything else.
Don’t forget that a lot of folks who may buy wood are not using it to displace oil, propane or electric. It might be their only source. This could be for a variety of reasons and localities. Just consider that.
I'm really glad i got my wood for the year in before the price of gas hit what it has here. Or, i'd be paying big time for gas back and forth to the woods.
Your right.What's coming will be massive amounts of people trying wood because they won't be able to keep up with the rising fuel costs.Now we have millions more people and less forest.Sadly there could be an end to burning wood.There won't be enough wood for the demand unless some new source of energy comes along.