Was just thinking and got to wondering. Personally, it has been over 60 years, but I thought 50 years would be a good choice for the longest as there are no doubt few have been doing it that long.
1990, rental, one wood stove in a tiled garage made into a studio. A couple years in a mobile home on natural gas, then back to wood in 1993 in our first home (with LP boiler there too). It was a rickety old Franklin stove, moved up to real stove, Schrader, in 1994.
Real close to 40. 10+ years while I was growing up. Then 10 years without wood heat till I had my own place and it’s been almost 30 since then.
Ever since I could I guess. As long as I've been alive, heating with wood has been a part of my life. Sometimes it was just the cabin, sometimes the wood furnace, or stove, or insert. Campfires have always been a part of my life since childhood too
I have heated every winter with wood (22 winters ). I was clearing the old neglected fields so i had an great supply of firewood.
I chose 30-40. It’s been 30 in my own house and I’ll add some on for all the wooding I did in my parents house. Now if I create the equation that I supply my moms house and my sisters,,,,,,,never mind, don’t wanna think about that
30-40 here if I include time spent burning and processing at my folks house as a kid. Processed probably 250 full cords in that time. Vast majority from live standing tree.
30 or so yrs here. Have heated with wood in every location that I've lived. Sent from my SM-G930VL using Tapatalk
We put an addition on the house in 1988. The addition included the brick hearth and wood stove. So, ~34 years.
I bought my home in September of 2009, and installed my psg caddy so I could heat that winter. I had cut firewood with my FIL before purchasing our home and also with a landowner whose land I deer hunted on years ago, so I was not new to firewooding. This is my 14th winter heating with firewood. Nowhere near tired of it!
Since 1965, with the exception of a couple short stints in homes that didn't have a wood heat source. About 30 of my 56 yrs. have been with wood as the primary heat source.
Backwoods Savage a percentage of people are younger than the number of years you have been burning… I am not putting a number on that percentage; I will leave that to others..
I chose 30-40. 22 in the house I’m in now and adding on when I was a kid and would help Dad gather wood and haul it into the house for Mom and grandparents. Good memories.
I put 40-50 yrs been married 52 going on 53 yrs , started getting in the wood for mom and dad’s stove when I was about19 yrs old. Thankfully I’m 74 still getting in my/our wood. Figure it helps to keep me healthy, and it feels good to get back into the woods, cutting wood!
7 years in an 1830s farmhouse burning 8 cords a year and 30 years in a 1300 sq ft house burning 2-3 cords a year
I was just thinking about this this morning. I was trying to figure out how long I’ve had the NC30, cause last week I just figured out that my door gasket is on the weak side. Had to dig deep to find it, but its been at least 9 years. Not bad for a door gasket I think. Been burning since 2010...
I'm in the 40-50 years category. ( ) I didn't count the time growing up; just the years I have been heating with wood.