Can he bang it with his head? If he head butts it and it sounds like two pieces of petrified wood banging together it's locust.
It is wild! Midwinter had posted a pic about that a couple years back somewhere and it stuck with me. Always getting an education here.
Awesome BL horde buZZsaw BRAD. In have a buddy who has some blowdowns in his woods, maybe with cold weather and ground re freezing I can get back there this week. Are all these scores just along the road or on your property or what? There’s a few places I drive by frequently that have lots of good wood just off the road. I often wonder if it’s town property or who owns it, there’s no houses nearby.
Not on my property. Closer to the road. The one honey hole has several smaller trees and im working my way back. This year ive been spending more time to get a good load. I havent hit the other two yet this cutting season. All are five minutes from home and storage. Still working the one with buzz-saw in our hometown too. I have another BL score 40 minutes from home and wont hit that unless im in the area. A few others on my radar that i havent touched yet. One thing about can get it many, many years after its down due to its rot resistance. Ive removed bark at a score and gone back months later after its washed off the schmutz. Check the ones at your friends. I hear you about ground and site conditions when it comes to hoarding. I hate mud!
Grabbed the rest of the smalls i couldnt yesterday due to the rain. Stacked yesterdays splits and processed todays load. A few smalls to buck and with todays splits should fill out the second cord.
Stacked yesterdays splits today. Started on the third row. Some smalls to buck. Time to cut another load. Locust mania...gotta love it!
Thats why im dieting! Ms. buZZsaw calls them "moobs" I made that a couple years ago exclusively for the dead BL. Holds three cords. Finished stacks are 6' x 16"
I was thinking yesterday as I was carrying rounds of oak and tossing them in the truck, "Ya know, I would probably be In shape if I didn't like food so much" So I had a double protein Subway sub for supper... Yup there is a reason my shape is round
The half load from Monday got stacked today. Bucked and stacked some smalls too. Couple more trips locally to fill it up. Other loads of BL have been going to my other location.
Hit one of my BL honey holes today. Long schlep to get wood out to the truck. Bucked one 13-14" DBH tree and found a bunch of partly buried smalls from storm clean up there that dates back to May 2018. Loose bark and dirty but good meat. Accidently deleted "rear view" loaded truck pic, but maybe 25 rounds from the trunk underneath. Off to storage, unloaded most of wood and sky opened up...downpour with hail and a flash of lightning...WTH??? Let up and unloaded the rest. Still three trees down and a couple tops there. Maybe one more load this season from there.
Split all the BL near the stack and finished it up. Three cords...each stack 6' x 16'. All barkless. At least half cord of splits to be stacked elsewhere that were split plus two cord of rounds in back to split plus two cords of rounds at another location to SS yet. Need a few more loads to meet my goal. Probably cut a load this week.