Western Kentucky. This tree fell into yard and I'm planning on using it for firewood in my garage wood stove. Very easy to split green. Silver maple? Good? BAD for firewood? Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
Welcome to FHC. You'll like it here. We like beer, dogs and pics. We have a lot of very knowledgeable people here who are willing to share. They will be along shortly to help you out.
It's got me stumped. My friends have said elm but it's the easiest wood I've ever split green. Walnut? One smack from an 8 pound maul and a 30 inch round is split into. I hope it's not a soft wood. Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
Dark heartwood says walnut which is okay firewood...middle of the road. Splits very easily. Can you get some close up pic of splits showing bark and check for a center pith. Walnut has a center pith. EDIT: just studied the first pic and the split parallel to the maul appears to have a pith. Walnut is my final answer. Welcome to the FHC justcrockett Great to have you.
Agree on Walnut, decent firewood and certainly suitable for shop heat in your climate I would think. Great to have you here!
That bark doesn’t look like Walnut to me, I’d be more inclined to think of some type of Hickory but I don’t have a lot of experience with Hickory. It does resemble Silver Maple bark but that heartwood doesn’t look like any Silver Maple I have ever seen.
Welcome to the forum justcrockett. You will need to let that dry before burning. If you do run into some silver or red maple that will dry quicker than walnut.
Yea I planned on burning next December maybe. Maybe I should have waited and sold the trunks but it was laying my back yard. Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk
I think Chud was being facetious…. You did just fine. Get it split and stacked and it’ll keep you warm next winter…
I was just kidding about the highly valuable. It might be good to go if it’s kept dry. I don’t have any experience with drying time for black walnut.
I'm assuming the second tree "honey locus" is better firewood. Sorry guys I've always used cherry and oak but I'm learning... Sent from my SM-G781U using Tapatalk