How much BL left in your inventory? It didn’t seem like you posted as many BL scores this fall as 2020.
I have over 20 cords. At least eight dry and ready to go. Six of those are bark on. Have a cord of barkless going out tomorrow. My work has been steady (down time committed to hoarding) so im not as motivated to hoard even though i have plenty of BL and other wood to do so. Im starting to feel my age more and more too which doesnt help the situation. Most of the scores are still waiting and the bark will be loose and/or missing as time goes on so eventually down the road. Not to worry as i will be getting to them soon as long as the snow doesnt happen. I was going to stop and cut at a score from last year today, but gets dark too early and no room at storage. Im revamping my storage/stacking at my friends but need to sell/move more wood first.
I am glad you got $350, Brad, I don't think enough sellers ask enough for wood. I sell all I have every year. You certainly should get a nice premium for BL, I love that stuff! I wish we had more here; I only recently found a few young trees, first time ever. Getting into this area, I guess.
One cord delivered today...two trips. Repeat from last year and now a regular for it. The mess after two loads.
Got a call Friday for BL. New customer. Delivered his cord today. Two PU fulls Full cord delivered. He was very pleased and wants to be a regular next year. Woohoo!
When i started selling BL last year i took a shot in the dark at what id get for it. The rare instance i sell a full cord of non BL i get $275 which is higher than average around here. My normal sales are a half cord (heaping PU full). For what i go through to acquire it and the quality of the wood (uniform length & size, dried, and an honest cord) i feel i should get more, but then id price my self out of business. How much do you sell Bill?
Sold a half cord of bark on BL for $200. I was honest with the potential buyer about how the bark smells when burning as he had a fireplace prior to his committing. He called a few days later and wanted it. Another guy wanted a full cord and offered an extra $50 on top of my normal extra mileage fee. He was too far so i declined. No pics as it was dark when i dropped it.
I get a text inquiring about a cord this afternoon. He was desperate as he bought wood yesterday and it wouldnt burn. Had time to bring him half late this afternoon. A little farther than i wanted to go but he did pay the extra. Checked out the wood he got yesterday and sure enough red oak that looks fresh split from "seasoned" logs. Big chunks too. Fuzzy pic. Ill see if i can get a better one tomorrow when i bring the rest
buZZsaw BRAD Just for the heck of it you should bring a moisture meter with you and split a chuck of one of his "seasoned" pieces and see what it actually is. Sounds like it would be good for a laugh.
I have it in the truck at all times. Ill check tomorrow, but supposed to be colder. Wonder if ill get an accurate reading. As soon as i saw it i laughed.
Beat me to it. My guess, 35%. I’d let the guy take a pic of the reading so he could return that “seasoned” wood, or at least try.
Black locust is one of the bests. Got my first big haul of two year old rounds last year and waiting till Feb. to burn it. I live about 20 minutes north of Seattle. I started selling cords for $200 a few years ago. I've learned people will pay high prices for really premium cuts aged one year. I now sell my hardwood 1/2 cords (birch, big leaf maple, oak, dogwood) for $360 with delivery. I can only store 10 cords but I do sell out with repeat customers.
WOW!!! Good for you getting a premium. Id like to get more myself. I more or less took a shot in the dark with pricing on my cord of BL. $350 for bark on. My three regulars get barkless for the same price. I figure the bark represents 10% of the volume. Maybe next year ill advertise for $375
Got a call this afternoon for a half cord of barkless. I sold him a cord last last month (post #66 above) and he said it was the nicest firewood he has burned in 20 years of burning. Still had some but wanted to stock up. He bucked some of them to 8" pcs to load N/S in his stove and saw sparks when cutting. I explained how hard and dense the stuff is.
I've been waiting all winter to get to my two year old locust. Just started burning through it past couple days. Really is nice stuff.
Forgot to tell you guys it was 27%. Barkless red oak, but very fresh split smell as it was fresh split. I picked a couple up and they were heavy. Sizes/lengths all over the place.
New customer today bought a cord of barkless. Delivered half cord in the rain late this afternoon to get him started. Very pleased as i got a text tonight saying he is burning some then said he could use three more cords by Fall! Im considering selling him bucked rounds as he was able to make his own. If i get $350 for a cord of splits, whaddaya think the same in rounds should be?