A guy called today and said a friend told him I was selling firewood. Asked when I could deliver. I told him I was ahead of schedule on deliveries and could squeeze him in today. Next questions: is your wood dry? How long has it been drying? I say I’m delivering mixed loads of oak, cherry, ash. The oak has been covered 3 years and the cherry and ash were dead standing that have been covered more than a year. Guy says he doesn’t want wood that has been drying 3 years because it will burn too fast Ok I can give you a load of ash and cherry, but the oak is still going to burn longer and hotter. He agreed to a load of oak, cherry and ash. 2 new benzes in his gayrage.
Folks up the road wanted a load of fresh cut green wood " to hold a fire over night" their chimney was so clogged the soot slayer shook loose two 5 gal buckets full of creosote. They've been burning wood for 50 years so you can't tell them anything.
Too many folks buying under seasoned wood and too many guys selling it. Aint it amazing the people we have to deal with??? Was it a casual burner? I sold a half cord to guy with a near million dollar home who later complained about the borers under the loose bark! It was 2 year plus seasoned oak! I went out of my way for him too!
The impending storm has provided me with a little walking around money. Another guy called and said he wanted delivery today. I told him I could do tomorrow. He says ok I’ll get firewood from someone else. Ok bud. Texts his address and that tomorrow will be fine thanks
I hate knuckleheads with no common sense! On a positive note i picked up a new customer for shorts and nuggets. Delivering PU full tomorrow.
There’s a lot of people out there like that. I work with people that think that way. I’m done trying to convince them, almost wish I could show them.
I sure could use somebody to get shorts and uglies out of my way. Now I know why they don’t belong in the sales stacks.
there was one on my dealers shelf yesterday. It’s been difficult, but the storm should make it disappear before I call.
I had just started giving them to my landlord (who, by the way is burning, or trying to burn, red oak that was cut in October) . Ive had a half cord on CL/FBM for a few months with a couple inquiries but no takers. Guy is a little farther than i normally go but was willing to pay extra for it. Had a good talk and he is willing to take more next year. My two regulars for them now want full length 16" splits.
delt with that type before. They got a little money so they think they know everything. No offense, but lots of Dr. and engineers are that way. I try to affoid working for either until they prove me otherwise.
Maybe some of the bad concepts are passed on by firewood lots. If you want to sell green wood, tell people its better.