Hey guys first post but been reading a lot on the forum. Picked up a ms362 for Christmas and got to put it in the wood. Splitting and saw these cool patterns.
First glance I'd say tulip poplar but it kinda looks like hickory too; mocker nut or pig nut. Total opposite ends of the spectrum in wood! The only tulip I've ever had, some years, ago looked like that a day or 2 after it was split. It had a good bit of green tent to it as it came off the splitter but darkened quite a bit in a couple of days. Welcome to our happy place! There is a lot if info to be had here, most of it better than mine! You're gonna enjoy that 362 it's a great little saw. I've got one that I run a 16" bar. It gets a lot of firewood work!
Looks like rainbow poplar just a variety if tulip poplar I have sawn some on the mill looks nice in tables JB
Thanks guys, yea the saw is big compared to the poulan that I have. It’s heavy when I split it. Is poplar heavy or light when still wet and split?
The poplar that we have here is heavy when split, but looses almost half the weight when seasoned and dry.
Poplar is very heavy when green. Back when I had some poplar I was splitting with a wedge and sledge and when I hit the wedge water would spray from the sides of the wedge. But it will be much lighter by September! You may be surprised how light.
Looks like some type of hickory to me. Congrats on the new saw. I run a 361 which is an earlier version of the 362. Great saw. Welcome to the FHC WoodyardObession21 Great to have you on board.
Might be walnut as bark doesnt look hickoryish. I have very little experience with walnut though. RARE scrounge for me.
Closest guess I can think of is hickory, as others have said. I have never seen that coloring in the heart wood though. Very cool find!!