18F outside and a bit of a breeze. Winter storm warning up for tomorrow. I'll burn Oak and Locust for a while now.
7 out right now, calling for 2-4" of snow tonight into tomorrow, OWB is full of red oak. Snapped a photo out the rear window of the loader this morning.
25 and breezy. They are saying 40 and sunny today but I don't see that happening. Temps supposed to drop down into the single digits with a lot of wind this week. Boiler is still working on a 50/50 load of hickory and cherry from yesterday evening.
Cold "normal" Winter feeling day here yesterday with highs around 30. Felt awesome to be out cutting in it. Id love just a few weeks of this weather. Im unloading around dusk last night when the ground got a pinkish hue. Amazing sunset.
temps all over the place here in NY but last night was in the teens. highs up to 38 today and 40s tomorrow. Either way, the stove is full of ash from now til about shoulder season for this year, then it'll be silver and norway maple.
Two to 4 inches of snow along with 40 to 50 mph winds and then Wednesday night minus 20 for the overnight low
It is an Alaska Campground Woodstove. Built in Tok. It's built from a water heater tank. We've been heating with it for 6 winters now. It works good. Considering I have several air leaks in the house. And part of the house is not insulated. It will take a 22" log length. But it is a basic stove. But I can completely close the air off from the fire totally. So if it wants to take off I can get control of it. So I like that. And we do some cooking on it.
Yesterday was Until afternoon. Where it got up to a high of 25 below. Then it dropped to 35 under. Bounced up and down. This morning it's blowing and was -22 when I got up at 8. Managed to get most of a full night's sleep and it was 50 in the living room/ kitchen/ dining room. And 40 in the bathroom. Sure beats 5 hours last night and 40 / 30. Had some comparably very good birch for last night's load. So the wind chill is around 40 below. But that's better than the ambient being there.
Man that's some rough going.You need my Heathstone One to make your life easier.It was made for your neck of the woods.
Pike are great for eating when fresh out of cold water. I take care to remove the ribs and y-bones prior to frying or baking. We also pressure can and pickle it, both of which dissolve the bones. Yes we like perch a lot too.
Its been “cooler” here last few days. I told my wife how cold it was where you are. She is wondering how close you are to Delta Junction? She use to live there when married to her first husband, and he was stationed at Fort Greely, about 40 years ago. Time flies!
20's here with stiff wind, garage is drifted in, he says he'll use a chainsaw when he feels better because it's packed and hard. He's been rumbling around in the Blazer for a few days as it was not drifted over. I believe I have Eric VW beat on length of time at home
Lol thank you. Keep the glass clean as best you can, get right up to the stove, hold it steady and snap a pic fast before the phone melts