Me too I've been putting off my "getting ready for winter" stuff. And I believe that's going to get in the way for the rest of the week. Snow turning to rain then into freezing rain is on tonight's menu into tomorrow lunchtime, so Mrs. Fuelrod's 4 runner is going up on the lift for a fluid film bath. Then I need to set up the tractor for snow duty (plowing) for the winter. I've been picking at shoving the outside chit, stuff either away or hidden from the plow guy (me), it'll all be hidden under the snow soon enough.
Preventative medicine, life insurance? I believe that it helps, but it's a nasty job. Not nearly as bad as doing it from a creeper. This is my first doing it on my feet under my find of the year... $1000 Rotary lift.
It just sucks that for what we pay for vehicles they rot out way to fast but if they did not the automakers would not sell as many . I would imagine that spraying undercoat while on a creeper would classify as REALLY SUCKS !! Lift looks good JB
I warned you guys that I wouldn't get anything done on my building. I cleaned and fired up the wood boiler finally yesterday. Now the shop is a much more friendly 60*, then I spent from lunchtime on setting up my tractor for snow plowing for the season (still working on it now). That was after a little more hiding (or putting away) stuff that I had strewn all around. One can really scatter a bunch of chit all around with a set of forks and a building project going on not including the sawmill and related mess! It's snowing now and we're supposed to get up to 9". We'll see, but I have a feeling that we'll be snow covered from here on out into springtime. Ever clean up a pile of 2 x 4's that the plow guy didn't notice
fuelrod how much did you guys end up getting? I got 7" and I'm about 2 miles from the coast. Edit - same state, likely within a 45 minute drive of you if you are near Cornish or Parsonsfield.
Sebago, we got 6" and now a lovely freezing rain. I'm not getting chit done on the building. Just now Yesterday I got an oil filter for the tractor and I always have oil on hand.... not today. The weather is crappy enough to put off a trip into town for oil. Between the salt bath for the vehicle and the ice possibilities, I'm hunkered down in the shop for the day.
Closer than I thought! I'm near where the Saco River empties into the ocean. Pics look awesome, thank you for sharing! I had to drive into work today, once I got south of Kennebunk it was regular rain... keep in mind that was at 5am. Hunkered down in the shop sounds like a good day to me!!
Just the other week I drove mom all around that area, from biddeford pool, up river and down to camp Ellis, then on up to OOB. She's in a home in kbunk with dimensia and I like to try to spark her memories.
You likely drove by my house! Sorry to hear about your mom but glad that the area can spark her memories and help remember the good times.
(to make myself feel better about myself) I put in a lot of years putting my bag on because of obligations and bills and liking to eat regardless of the weather! Putting that SOB back on over 4" of extra clothes, dealing with frozen lumber, tools, air lines and extension cords and watching every step on the solid sheet of ice that's everywhere.... You know it's a sad sight, but I'm ok with it. It's hard to shed some of the old work habits, but now I don't need to worry about the grocery bill. Oh, forgot about simply moving around with those extra 4" of clothes on, let alone climbing and reaching .
It is called work ethic !! pretty much seems to be a fading quality except by the members of this site we all keep going !! as to putting on the extra 4 inches of clothes it helps to cushion me I do not bounce well anymore but the brown coveralls make me look like a giant stinkbug when I am lying on my back trying to get back up Building looks great JB
Thanks, I'm just a little frustrated as I haven't done a thing on it for about 6 weeks. I did gather up a dozen logs while it was easy to get in the woods (before the snow sets in) and hoped to be sawing the siding and installing it as I go. Weather and "stuff " just gets in the way. My gas air compressor developed a hole in the tank the last time I used it (a couple of months) and I'll need it for the siding. I did get it welded up and just today a replacement carburetor finally showed up. Made of solid Chineseium. I'll work on getting that done and running in the next few days. Good shop weather through the weekend with >8* highs.
Great looking shop! Good craftsmanship and well laid plans are showing through. Look forward to seeing the end product. This spring I going to try my hand at a timber frame wood shed, it'll be about 20' x20'.