Too bad. I’d have been glad to show you around. Sounds like you had a good time. Yes, I do enjoy my neck of the woods.
Not to derail this thread but I have a question about those covers on your Holz housens. How well do they hold up to the elements and sun? Obviously you feel that they are worth the price since you have several. Are those from cordwood covers?
If you are making big $ and are working long hours, then time starts to become a more valuable commodity. I'm not fond of the corporate lifestyle.
the first two covers we purchased from Cordwood did not hold up. Cordwood did warranty them and sent us two of they’re new material. The second generation cover seems to be holding up well. Time will tell on the second batch. At $150 they need to last for a few years. My wife buys them and stacks all the HH. I think they are too much money. And worse, 4 hours of stacking to make one. But she likes to get out on a nice winter day and have some activity. So, I guess for us it’s not a utilitarian decision. More of a hobby for my wife.
I agree, they both work from home. I spends plenty of time playing with big boy toys. Time is not the issue in this case.
Hardly anyone in my town heats with wood primarily because everyone has natural gas, including myself but I still burn over 3 cords a winter. If I didn't, my inefficient split level home's heating bill is outta control and the lower area of the house where the stove is would be around 50 degrees in the winter. Split levels are a bad design for even heating in mind. Anyway, I don't complain much about nobody really burning around here, because it means the "free firewood" ads on CL or FB never go that quick.
woody5506 I have the stairway of a split level on a multi level home.. I think it works well as a cold air return