I'm thinking that maybe you don't have the plow one yet? Might as well get it on as you know you'll have to. 30 and 67 here. Needs some shovel attention outside.
30 and fine snow this morning. 71 in side running small ash splits. 22 over the weekend at camp 4” of snow and burned black locust splits all weekend keeping 68 inside.
35 this am. Loaded the box w/ oak after the game last night (about 1130p) and woke at 730 to 1/2 a firebox of coals. Was 5 splits, so I put 2 more on when I left for work. That'll be 7 splits for roughly 17+ hours. Will see what I have when I get home. Not terribly cold here so I'm on cruise control.
Right. Son is here for a visit so that will be happening before he leaves. It is a whole lot easier for him to get those pins in than it is for me.
Backwoods Savage Pa rifle opened this past Saturday And our Ny gun season opened the Saturday before that.
27 outside 70 inside been burning soft maple all night. Going to throw 3 big pieces on and call it a night.
Well overnight it’s warmed a few degrees to 30 and is snowing.. opened air up on stove burning some coals down
This feels odd ! It was 6° above when I went outside an hour ago. I hope it doesn't drop before my wife starts the pickup to go to work @4 am. Got some fkws and a 6" Aspen round in the stove and closed down. Wind quit blowing also. Kinda different. Brought in the generator. No sense running it all night if a vehicle isn't plugged in.
Next to your temps mine are 32* snow to sleet to rain as temps rise to 40; before wind changes direction and drops to 20 for final inch or 2 of snow witch will hit ground and turn to ice
Dec 2..... Why is it 50F outside? Odd. Looks like we get winter back Mon. The stove is barely at idle with a 3 split load from last evening. Looks like I'll be running a saw clearing/grubbing on one of my neglected property lines again today. To nice out not to!
Remember back a couple months ago I asked the same thing? You mentioned it is not yet the burning season. Well, here we are in the burning season and the downward trend I noticed is still evident. 35 out, 68 in. Lost quite a bit of snow last night due to the temps.
Kinda warmed up around here. I didn't want to post... that it was 41 degrees out when I woke @ 5:50 this morning. 74 inside.
36 out right now heading in to the 40s today, very warm for this time of the year. Been running just basswood in the OWB.
Well. Since we are having a heat wave here. I figured you all were tired of my “70 here so no fire for now” Mike in Okla