Here is Radar chewing up all my hard work. He likes to run off with chunks and scatter them all over the yard.
The 2 of our dogs that normally go out with me at night to do chores like to steal chunks of wood from my pile as well and place them around the yard, then come spring the misses gets mad at me when she finds them around the yard.
I have the same problem if browsing with Tapatalk. I have to click on the message and then click ‘web view’ to open my browser to that message.
I’ve got the same thing going on here. Some posts the pics show up. Others don’t show in Tapatalk. Seems to only be on this site. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'll be saying goodbye to my firewood dog this afternoon. Kidney failure is a terrible thing. He would be 13 on Christmas eve.