Thanks guys. I love killing a good buck any chance I get but ultimately it's the fact of that us pineys love deer meat. Here's one of the main reasons I hunt right here Some fresh inner loins . Gonna make some antler soup later
I just got in from our deer camp. We had a great time as usual. Not much deer or deer sign in our area this year, but we had enough venison for our annual feast for our party and some neighbors. Preparing tenderloin with butter and fresh garlic from the garden for the grill. My brother brought a special guest from Sweden to our camp this year. He is diplomat living in Washington. He said our area reminded him of home. He wanted to try a little grouse hunting in addition to deer hunting. We had some fresh grouse for our jalapeño poppers which was really good. It rained all day on Wednesday so my cousin and I cut up a deer in the warmth of the cabin. Our neighbor is setting net for herring on Lake Superior so we went down to see how he was doing. Sweden in the number one buyer of our herring roe for caviar, so Lars was very interested in his operation. He brought us fresh roe, crackers, and dill for our appetizer. A nice north woods doe hanging out near the cabin.
Made it up to camp in NY last night for tomorrow's rifle opener. Woke up to a bit of snow this morning
This probably sounds silly, but I have always been "interested" in the deer camp thing, that I've only experienced by reading and on TV. Here we just walk out behind the house, or maybe drive to another farm/tract we can hunt.
Our gun deer season starts at dawn tomorrow. I have seen that shooter buck two more times that I posted pics of but there is another one on my radar. He’s a BIG 7 pointer and I want him out of the gene pool. Really, either buck will do. But I refuse to shoot a small buck. I want them to grow! In other news a nephew got a 161” 13 pointer last week with his bow about two miles from my forty. Soon as he sends me a pic I will post it up.
Good luck! I'm taking the 10 year old daughter out in the morning, hoping a dumb spike or forkhorn will stumble by before she looses interest..
My hunny has been nudging me to get a deer for the freezer. I've been holding off for a chance for a buck. Wednesday evening, we got home from working in time to grab my rifle and binoculars, drive down to the power line, and sit in the truck behind some weeds...saw a small doe and yearling, then about 5:30, 4 more show up, then 3 more. Had 9 to choose from, this nice doe finally separated from the group a bit. Made a good 185 yrd shot, resting on the side mirror...might have run 10 yards... Should be tender Some more of the group, they were about 220 yards
Had the safety off and the crosshairs on the boiler room of the most compact 9 pointer I have ever seen. All between his ears and not a big body. Couldn’t do it. Hope he lives to next year.
Neighbor kid got the buck I posted pics of a month ago. He was about 200 yards away from me in a ground hut in a cut cornfield. This buck was with the compact 9 pointer I let go! After the kid shot this one, the small 9 pointer ran right to me and stopped to look back. Prolly wondering why his uncle or daddy didn’t follow him into my woods!
Well you were close then! Sorry you didn't get him, but glad a kid did! And glad it was legit, not sniped at night or from the road by some scum....
My youngest granddaughter, Audrey, a first grader got her very first doe back during youth hunt. She has been with her dad hunting for a buck. Friday night son in law sends this picture of them in the blind. View attachment 322324 Green apple twizzlers and her computer (she loves to draw and paper makes to much noise in the blind). Less than an hour later she calls and asks if Mamaw and I can come help track a buck. So we go and a half hour later we locate it (after a coyote slunk away from it). She is the self proclaimed "deer slayer"! What a hoot, my youngest daughter and son in law are outdoors enthusiasts for sure. Only problem is we don't get her as much during deer season now as she goes along! Oh, here she is with her buck.
That's great JW! When is she gonna get that hunt on Nugent's place? Is the 300Blk she's using a bolt or AR? And does that deer have a black tongue?
Ram hunt sometime in January if I remember correctly. It is an AR. No, not a black tongue, it was sticking out from the time we found it and it has been drug out of the woods/brambles/vines and maybe 40 yards of sandy deer plot. There are a couple of pictures of her mimicking the tongue with hers! I found. one, here it is.
Got back from camp in NY a few hrs ago. We had a successful trip with two nice 8pts and a good size black bear. Eckie camp is my uncle's cabin NY on 20acres that borders state land. We go up every year (my uncle, cousin, his friend and friends dad) for the rifle season opener. Always a great time filled with laughs, good food, too many beers and lots of time in the mountains.