Well last time inflation was this high, mortgage rates were 10%. Youngsters think houses are expensive now
I see the usual zealots on here that religiously defend The Machine have been awfully quiet in the past few weeks. I wonder if eyelids are starting to open? Meh, who am I kidding....
I say be good citizens and give robbers a lesson they won't forget if you are able. Sure, the comply rule may be good for some (elderly/frail/sick/physically challenged) and others don't have the mentality to resist (and that is okay, it takes all kinds), but in this case I don't believe in one rule fits all.
Uep, I remember at my last house the interest started at 10% in 1988. And we only qualified for an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) that had a cap of 4% rise and no cap for reduction. We got lucky and the rate did nothing but go down from there. We knew several people that got an ARM when the rate was only 8% and they were hurting thru the years that the rates went up. The first couple of years was the only time we qualified to deduct our mortgage interest from our taxes. When I moved here, the rate on the previous house was somewhere around 3% (we did re-fi to take money out for replacing the roof, siding and windows in 2007).
I bought my first house in 1983. Interest rates dropped from 12% to 11.5% a couple weeks before closing. That was a big deal.
I think even most of the defenders can't justify much of the unnecessary, senseless, damaging crap going on now.
I laughed when it was happening in San Francisco. I figured those people had it coming. I'm not laughing anymore. This is the type of thing that spreads like wildfire and will only get worse. I'm no vigilante but I don't think I'll be walking into a grocery store anymore without some form of protection. I'll be darned if I pay an exorbitant amount of money for a cart full of groceries, only to be robbed on the way out or in the parking lot. -Be safe out there everyone. Brazen shoplifting incidents reported across CT
No. It's latin for (on the side of) So, you'd identify as a male because you're a male. You relate on the side of your born identity.
80 million did NOT vote for this! The LGBTQE WANTS everyone to think this is main stream. One half of one percent fall into that category, but they are cramming it down everyone else's throat! (Easy boys!)
I don't think they voted specifically for this, they were just under the spell of the machine. Unfortunately we now find ourselves in a situation that we can't vote our way out of.
Careful man, Tories everywhere. That's where the real work begins. Got to pry people's eyes open first.
Guess the shoplifting is all a conspiracy. The videos must be deepfakes. Big Retail Chains Are Manufacturing a Shoplifting 'Crisis' - The Appeal