Yeah it spreads like wildfire wherever there are open areas (roadsides, riverbanks, clearings) There's some next door to me that left unchecked will eventually become my problem.
All the rain this month has caused the butterfly bush to send out new blooms. Still pulling in the butterflies.
Not sure what each variety is, but there was a nice short growth that filled in early then some mid height black eyed Susan’s that filled in later on. There has been some tall stuff, around 4-5’ growing and I’ve been waiting to see what it was. What ever they are I like them they looked good in the breeze today. If anyone has a suggestion for mowing them down for good reseeding in spring let me know. Brush hog, lawn mower or scythe? When and what height?
I wouldn't mow them at all. Watching finches hang on to a flower stem pulling seeds out can be rather comical. Maybe mow in the Spring at a high setting to force /pruning them to grow multiple stems ? Cosmos and black-eyed-susans ?
Pretty sure this was the main mix. I know I bought some of this, Northeast Pollinator Wildflower Seed Mix and maybe All Perennial Wildflower Seed Mix can’t remember to be honest haha
About the latest I have even seen hosta leaves hanging on here. My wife got a little rose plant from a student for a gift at the end of the school year. I stuck it in one of my garden beds a few years ago and it seems to like it’s spot.