A guy contacted me on Messenger yesterday asking for my price on a pickup load. I explained that I only do bundles and loose stacks at my roadside stand. I gave him prices and didn't hear anything more so I forgot all about it. This morning he messaged me saying he was on his way. When I got home from church I found he had purchased 2 firewood bundles (mixed hardwood), a loose stack (mixed) and 2 bundles of premium cherry. $50 sale. There's money to be made if you do it right. Here's the rest of my roadside operation. Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
Always great to hear how customers appreciate your product. And to think its as simple as DRY wood! How fast has it been selling? Your first year selling bundles?
I started at the end of May. The last 2 weeks were $60 each. This week was $93. I think it's coming along pretty well. I can keep up and haven't run out of inventory. I'm definitely not quitting the day job but I'm building the business at a manageable pace. Strictly roadside stand, no delivery (yet). Sent from my QTAXIA1 using Tapatalk
It honestly takes a lot of work. But I started with nothing so I've been able to try things and then make changes without having to move 20 cords of wood around. I spend as much time building racks and cleaning up as I do cutting and splitting. But I'm almost finished with infrastructure (for now). Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
I've been toying with the idea (not original) of bulk deliveries. It seems that most people that sell firewood do this. I sell exclusively through my roadside stand at this point. My inventory isn't that large and I don't own a dump truck/trailer. What I can do is deliver pallet racks of a third of a cord loaded on a trailer or truck with a skid steer. Depending on the customer, I can unload at their location with the skid steer if they want the pallet or hand unload and bring the pallet home to refill. I don't plan to cater to people that heat with wood because a face cord doesn't go that far and my price won't be the lowest in town. For those that deliver smaller quantities, what works for you/is popular with your customers? Do you market certain species? Do you offer other services that give you an edge over other sellers? I'd love some feedback from the pros. Thanks!
I have five convenience stores i wholesale bundles to 8"x 8"x 16" size. No bundler, just a simple home made jig that i fill and wrap. Ive tried retail on these with no luck so just wholesale. My location not good for roadside stand. Most of my regular customers are "casual burners" so a half cord works for them at a time. Some will get more later into the Winter. Some of my regulars want a full cord so i make two trips as half is my PU's capacity unless im bringing wood home from a score/scrounge. I sell mixed one year dried wood (maple, ash, cherry, birch beech etc) all oak dried at least two full Summers. I also started selling black locust last Winter. Sold the three cords of dead barkless for a good premium. Two of the three are repeats for this year. I have maybe five cord of the same to sell this season. Also selling seasoned bark on black locust too this year. First time for that. I have a customer that likes nuggets and shorts. Buys a couple loads from me during the Winter. I have plenty of nuggets and will sell a load or two on CL. Friend of mine likes hickory. He also likes oak heartwood (red and/or white) so i accommodate. Ill bring him fresh cut green when he has room for it rather than stack and store it. Saves me some work. Ill stack for an extra fee provided they have a wood rack and/or i can back right up to where they want it stacked. Im far from a "pro" wood seller as its just me, my F150, and some chainsaws. No dump bed either. I now have use of a friends splitter which has helped. Just telling you what ive learned through experience. Started as a side gig several years ago and has slowly evolved into PT business. I also do chain saw work, brush hauling etc. Most of it is through word of mouth. My suggestion is to sell an honest amount and be sure its dry unless sold as green or partly seasoned. Sell smaller amounts...bundles, 1/4, 1/3 cords so you dont run out of wood. The profit margin for smaller amounts is higher vs full cords. New customers are amazed at a half cord when i deliver telling me they have been getting ripped off on volume in the past. Keep customers close to home unless you charge extra to travel. If you have any questions WR dont hesitate to PM me as ill be glad to help out, advise etc.
I'm definitely not ready to break into the wholesale market yet, although I have my eye on a couple of locally-owned shops that might be a good fit and shouldn't require a bunch of red tape to get through corporate. That might be a 2023 goal. I haven't had the luxury of selling specific species yet as most of my inventory is tree service wood. In these parts, that's about 85% maple. I'll send a PM with a couple questions. Thanks buZZsaw BRAD!
with butter and cheese... Just found your thread. Looking good, brother. Looks like you are making g the right decisions.
Thank you sir! This is much easier have a place like this to hang around and learn from others who are already successful (like somebody down in Dixie?). I've changed a lot of things since I started but I'm happy with the product I put out.
Clearly I need to learn some lessons from you. It seems like the more firewood work I do, the longer my list gets!!
My honey-do list gets longer when I am making firewood. SWMBO keeps telling me I am spending too much time with firewood Is that even a thing?
Here's how I tend to explain the time making firewood. I'm home instead of out running around and with all the noise, it's easy to know exactly where I am no matter what time it is. Plus I'm not making a mess in the house. Most women would be thrilled! Of course, I didn't marry most women...
As Foghorn Leghorn would say... Boys, I say, Boys...ya doin' it all wrong... I get my hunny to help on the woodyard...when we get through she is either too or to think of other ... Ya can thank me later...
I've often admired how you have that worked out! My problem is she is either too or too to come out to the woodyard in the first place!! That is what I need to solve.