Not cold yet but promises to be more fall-like again. Maybe this time it will stick around. More rain overnight. Poor farmers are having a hard time getting beans done. It's getting quite muddy in the fields too.
I feel bad for the farmers ! There were farmers here that still had standing grain when the first snow hit. Several days after the storm one that I saw harvested some fields. He raised the head up on his combine and went ahead on er. But it probably takes a lot more drying time at the elevator to get the grain dry. More costs. 28 at the house fkws in the stove.
78 today. Think its the last of the mid to upper 70s. Cooler weather starting tomorrow. Had a fire last night of black cherry, box elder. Just because
Pretty much normal temps up here for Saskatchewan this time of year, bouncing between -5 and +10 C (or 20-50 F range). Such is life. Running on pine.
Nice warm Fall day here today with highs in the mid 70's. Driving home tonight i was awestuck by the sunset. I know, i know i shouldnt be taking pictures while driving!
About the same forecast here, 38 I think. Boiler is running on soft Maple & Elm. Good weather for hauling logs tomorrow I think.
36 right now. Be lucky to hit 40's today. Supposed to be a chance of "S" mixed in with the rain today/tomorrow.
Weird weather here . It got up to 41°F yesterday afternoon. Thats just not normal for us. It was like having break-up. Puddles and snow and ice sliding off roofs. Anyway. Maybe I'll be able to get some digging done. 30° at the house. Fkws in the stove. That's another thing. I gotta get up on the roof and run a chimney brush down the stove pipe.
The only thing I'm burning is gasoline, cutting the lawn. Hardly any leaves still. Mostly pine needles dropping. Currently 68ºF and the high for the day was 74ºF, maybe 75ºF.