It's going to drop into the low 40's right. I lit the stove. Ash uglies in it. It's only 49° outside now, but we both wanted a fire. Hayden, our Labrador washed one too.
So, it's mid twenties out 10 to 25 mph breeze . Moon was poking thru the clouds. Fkws in the stove. Very much looking forward to building the Arctic Entry this week. It will probably take me more than this week to get it built. I have to install the side door on the house first so we can come and go and I can work at the front of the house unhindered from traffic. Gotta pick up a lock set tomorrow afternoon. I built a set of free standing exterior stairs in Chicken in 2016. I only had just a bit of lumber with me. But I had tools , screws and gorilla glue. ( I Love Gorilla Glue !) We've been using them here since I framed the floor last year. I am looking forward to retiring them once I get the permanent stairs built !!
Maybe we might get that later this week. An amazing fall for sure but a bit too wet. Some guys are having a hard time getting corn out because of mud. If rain holds out a while maybe the beans can get finished but has been too wet lately. I finally dumped the rain gauge and there was 3" in it.
OK, this was a little surprise. Mid 30's at the moment with some frost on the roof of the garage. Area temps are in the upper 20's. The lake is still managing to keep my temps a bit warmer. The furnace would run about once every hour or so during the night.
Wife came home yesterday afternoon and looked to see if I had the woodstove started. Was a little cool and I thought it was nice out. She said it was chilly with the wind. So when the sun went behind the hill, I started our first fire for the season. Cherry, TOH, and pine Probably have another one tonight, going into mid 40s.
Got down to 39 this morning. Real shock to the system walking out the door at 5am and I forgot my coffee at home. WTH I’ve gone through a wheelbarrow of oak in the basement insert since Saturday night. Got home from work and started a fire.
50 here now with temps going down into the 40's tonight. Also rainy and damp out. I have built a fire and am burning ash and some small red oak chunks, keeping it slow and steady. House is cozy.
Though I follow this thread, I haven’t posted. Still not quite there here in Southern Vermont. 37 at daybreak but didn’t fire up today. I cleaned the Lopi Leyden in the living room and moved the thermostat switch for the blower on the Woodchuck furnace in the shop. My wife is teasing me that I’m like a kid waiting for Xmas. Still have to move wood to the porch and firewood shed next to house. So much rain here the tractor tears the yard up if moved in it so yard has been off limits and the wood is still drying out before I bring it into the dry places. Getting close though. Lenny Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Getting in the 40’s tonight and we just couldn’t wait to have our first (indoor) fire. Burning silver maple (and about 100 stink bugs that thought my wood stove would be a good place to spend the winter). My house will be 80 deg. in a couple hours.
No fire needed tonight. Only dropping to 50° tonight. The fire was very nice last night. Got the house to 73° in the stove room, which was just right. I did burn a bunch, of not most of the twigs and branches from the last ash tree in our yard in the burn barrel outside though.
The pup is enjoying this evening's fire. As winter approaches, he will become a fixture in that location.
First fire here this evening too! Came home to the house at 63 and wanted it a bit warmer. Some oak scraps and small rounds in the Fisher.
Love the pic, and the pup! My dog hates heat. He’s got long, thick fur like a polar bear. When the fire gets going, he goes to the opposite end of the house and goes to bed. I’ve got a little spot set up for him.
Got down to 39 this am, 49 & falling now. Boiler's just kinda lazing along on "stuff". Fan for the house kicks on now & again. Shop stats are still off, but the radiators keep it plenty warm in these temps. Usually don't kick them on till it's below freezing or sub 40 & windy.
Was in the low Mid teens this morning with a breeze. Got up to 27 but still breezy. Down to 24 now. Still breezy. Fkws in the stove. Need to bring some more in. We've been burning since around the first of September iirc. Have burned around 3/4 cord so far. Once the Arctic entry is built and all the double house walls are framed and insulated . And I have the boxed hole where the chimney goes thru the ceiling/ roof closed off. I think that will go down by at least 1/3rd.
Looking at 42 with a feel of 39 in northeast Pennsylvania this morning. Friday night I was sweating in a t-shirt at the football game, and Monday I was almost too cold splitting wood in a heavy sweatshirt. I am burning elm from a tree that was taken down in the cemetery next to my property. I find it kind of creepy or odd that I am burning wood that grew from the nutrients given off from dead people. My wife finds it peaceful in some way. I guess it's just the circle of life.
There was some frost around yesterday morning but just on some roofs. I didn't see any here. Probably will be the same this morning as temp in 30's. Then we're supposed to hit 70 today and tomorrow. A whole lot warmer than what they had forecast a few days ago.