That's beautiful ! We have some tamarack in this area. But I haven't found any that is sawlog size. It is very nice to see it interspersed with the spruce and aspen. Larch is really great wood for floor joists and rafters. It has the same span ratings as Doug fir. 25° this morning at the homestead. Fire killed white spruce in the stove.
When its a sea of green in the summer its hard to tell them apart from a distance but then in the fall you drive around and see how many complete stands of larch are out there. They get quite big here and at 19 mbtus they are only a close second to birch but without the rotting characteristics. Its one of my favorite trees. Im sometimes lucky to find them standing dead and close to or below 20% mc but if green I have to let dry for minimum 2 full summers.
We don’t have larch here that I know of. But it’s sure a pretty tree. I have a lifelong friend that lives in northern Idaho. There’s a lot of it up there. He loves burning that stuff.
Hmmm. 47° outside now. Going to drop a few more degrees. I'm contemplating starting the fire in the insert. If it drops to 45°, I'll light it up
Do it, do it! You know you want to.48F here now & clearing up, just tossed a few small Maple splits in the boiler.
Been upper 40's low 50's in the morning and 60's-70's daytime. Still need to get the stove off the pallet and back in place, but house is staying warm enough anyway.
Eh, it's still 68° in the house. It did drop to 44° outside, but per my wife, no need for a fire. I'm fine with that. Now next week after Wednesday the tennis week drop from 70° for a high to mid to low 50's for high temps. Then I'll start it up.
It was in the low 60’s today & 34 last night & supposed to be the same tonight. It was 59 in the house this morning so I threw some silver maple in a while ago & am off to bed. First fire of the fall season.
Beautiful setup, JB!! Sometimes my wife gets on my case about coming to bed, because I want to stand in the dark and admire the fire in the stove. Anyone else do that?
24°F last I checked. But the wind is blowing for the first time I can remember in weeks. Blowing around 20 mph. If it gets a bit cooler, and the wind is out of the east or southeast, it will drift the summer road in. That will stop all driving on it till next spring. I'm not wasting any time at all fighting that ! The winter driveway and road are in fairly good shape so we will just transition to coming and going that way. I bought the rest of the framing lumber I need for the Arctic Entry . So that is my next project. Having the house door open to the icy blast of full winter ain't my idea of comfort. And it will save an arm load of wood a day by having it built . 8'4" wide by 10' long. I plan on using insulated metal panels for the exterior wall siding. They have an R value of 14 to 24 . Depending on who you ask. When those remaining are completed, the house walls will have and 1 wall does have an R value of 32. Floor is R 35 and ceiling/ roof is R 40. So my firewood usage shouldn't be to bad. I'm very much looking forward to that !
Tho the price was higher than last year. It still wasn't bad. Locally sawn white spruce. Other than the osb, this whole house is framed with white spruce.
47 out and 69 in. If it drops to 68 in I'm starting a fire. Maybe I should open a couple windows to insure it happens.
I've had several fires but not nearly as many as is normal. Put just 2 splits in last evening and house is nice and toasty this morning; just the way I like it.
It’s 42 this morning. I burned oak in the basement insert last night and put some sticks in it this morning. 69deg on the main floor. First fire
Lit off the NC 30 yesterday morning and fed it all day long due to the upper 40's and wind. Let it die down around by 5:00. Left the basement door open and you could feel the warmer air on your face coming up the stairs. But, more importantly, the gas furnace didn't fire up all day long!
52* and sunny on the way into work. House is warm, so no fire. Tomorrow looks like high of 61 and low 45, but for several days after tomorrow calling for mid 70s. Maybe next weekend be a fire.