I break out the 375 H&H for rats. Seriously, I'll have to try some of these different baits. Living in an old farm house, we get the occasional vermin. I usually use peanut butter. But that gets stolen quite often.
Something else that can work for bait is sunflower seeds. On the farm, wheat and corn also worked well.
I believe you misunderstood you Vet. Mouse and rat poison WILL kill dogs and cats! I’ve seen it many times. However the larger the dog the more they have to eat for the poison to work. A small amount usually does not cause any problems, mid dose we see bleeding disorders, neurological problems, liver and kidney damage, high doses require ICU care, blood transfusions, dialysis, plasma/clotting factor transfusion, lipid therapy to bind the toxin. This gets really expensive fast. Two biggest types of poison are the anticoagulants (safer for accidental exposure but some mice/rats are resistant) and neurotoxin much more deadly to both rodents and pets. Lastly I calculate every exposure with the lowest known toxic dose. Treatment is always based on dose (mg/kg) and when patient consumed it.
Those look like bats. You’d better make sure hey are cooked thoroughly, you know what happened the last time someone at an undercooked bat.
Reminds me of that classic bathroom wall limerick. "Those who write upon these walls, roll their .........." you know the rest!
Great! I love when I find them with their fangs just into the Tootsie roll, and then the big WHACK came!
If you are like us, the tootsie rolls are always the stragglers from the 4th of July and halloween candy...usually not too hard to find one or two stale TR's around somewhere... and one goes a long way for meece bait...
I put out suet blocks for the birds. They come in plastic trays. There's usually a bit of suet left in the tray, with a few bits of seed. I'll take that left-behind and put it on the mouse trap. Like candy, it molds easily and stays in place.
The mother in law likes tootsie rolls and sometimes she has them, maybe I can snag one of those little ones from her. Like you said, don't need much. I've also thought about making one of those spinning can water bucket traps...