17° this morning at the homestead. I got too sleepy and didn't add 2 rounds in the stove last night. It was 55 in the house when I got up. Not bad. But not my goal either. Put a couple splits in and opened the draft and it took off on its own. Sun is up in the east. Soon , December, it will be rising and setting in the southeast and south west. I guess that's still a few months away.
Thanks. Yeah Ive got larch and doug fir ready to go for this winter which are great softwoods! I did score some green birch the other day though. There isnt much of it around here but I was able to drive up to a friends decked out birch and buck and stack in the truck. When its ready it will be the first significant birch Ive had in years.
Yea Sean, the quarantine doesn't apply to posting across the border. Glad you're back with us & great score on the Birch!
55 was what I set my house at the winter I bought it. Still only keep the thermostat at 58. Serves as a compelling, but unstated justification for my wood processing tool purchases (now that I'm married)
Only got to 71 here today, but same issue, just damp & sticky. Very uncomfortable. I'm actually really looking forward to the drier winter air.
It's been a very nice fall so far, unfortunately normally if we have a nice fall we pay for it when it does snap into Winter.
27 this morning. Way to warm for where I gotta go today. 52 miles off highway 1 way. Gain and loose 1400 feet elevation in 12 miles. The morning should be ok. Coming out may be a truck. Fkws in the stove