Yup I have to admit it was one of the first things I thought of. My wife definitely noticed that too and was not surprised. It’ll get done, bit by bit with truck and trailer likely. Honestly, I’ve got chronic back issues that I’m working on in PT so I probably shouldn’t do a ton at a time .
Will do. It will be a project getting it all there. I’ve had some nice offer of help from some FHC members which is much appreciated and certainly would be a good time. Looking forward to bringing the dogs to joining the fun too. They do know how to party ( mine are the 2 brown dogs, the black one is my dad’s One year old).
We could load you up and unload your truck. All you need to do is drive! I can load my PU in 15 minutes just by tossing in.
That really nice of you Brad. I just need to not go over board all day long. Moderate stuff I should be ok with. I just focus on not doing dumb things like bad bending techniques and things like that. No big pain recently but want to work with PT to improve as much as I can.
You guys rock, I’ll let you know details as they come. Can’t thank you guys enough just for the thought of helping. Here’s a pic of the wood that’s visible. (Rows behind. .
If you don't already use them . I highly recommend the Stihl brand pickaroon and the Husqvarna hand tongs for moving rounds and splits that are below knee level. From a guy that has had back issues since he was a teenager. And a Canadian style pulp hook. With those 5 hand tools, back problems greatly deminish ! Since I drive a roll off truck at work . Seldom now but used to all the time. I can tell you that a 30 yard roll off is the way to go. As long as the ground is solid enough so the truck won't get stuck. And no overheads to worry the driver about. They are Awesome.
Whoops, sorry Brad! I never saw your original question from October. The house hunting is very challenging. We put in a good offer on a place we really liked recently. They did not accept the offer, in spite of going a good bit over asking price. Our realtor said that with the market being what it is, some buyers are doing different things to make their offer more appealing (such as waiving the inspection, paying cash, etc) . Those are things we won’t/cant’t do. I was bummed, this particular place had a woodshed and stove in their basement. With looking for a smaller place, the stove in the basement might be a good idea for us. However, it wasn’t in the cards. Not meant to be. We’re still looking, but not as aggressively.
What town was this in? Are there a lot of 2BR houses around for sale? Definitely a sellers market. We've been car shopping and the same. Decided to fix old one.