If I had to move my whole stash I think I'd consider using a loader tractor and a dump trailer...pull the loader tractor up to the stack and then try to topple a partial row into the bucket...obviously some would end up on the ground, but I bet you could move along pretty fast! As for stacking at the new place, you could either dump in a pile and then stack later as you have time, or if you have time then, the dump trailer is a nice height to grab from.
We transported roughly 7 cord about 20 miles on a tri-axle that my buddy borrowed from his job. It took 4 of us destacking the rows, restacking on the trailer, then stacking at the house pretty much 8 hours start to finish.
I moved about 40 cord in June with a pick up and trailer. Some from one side of the yard to the other, to son’s house, and dad’s place, and to the basement. Was not fun but had to be done. Work at a steady pace and keep at it everyday and it will get done.
Dump trailer has my vote. If you could get 2 "teams" one destacking at old place and other restacking at new. Then have a as payment.
Thank you, That would be a good practical solution, but I definitely want to take most of it. You know, is have a hard time parting with it- most of its dry and the rest is most the way there. I may leave the future buyers a cord if I hear that they are intent on using the stove.
That’s a pretty good clip to move firewood IMO . I moved 3 cord 40 miles when I moved here. I’m not sure of the cost but I like the roll off idea if you don’t have access to a dump trailer. When sitting on the ground they aren’t any to tall to pitch wood in to. Good luck.
Get to thinking about it...if a fellah had a pile of firewood to move quickly, you could get one of those roll-offs that the whole end opens up on it, and a loader tractor, then just start pushing wood up into it with the loader bucket!
Get something that holds at least 2 cords of thrown in wood and dumps. I really doesn't take that long to toss 2 cords in a truck.
Count me in on the fun. Truck and teeny trailer, but I would enjoy meeting up with like minded for a good work out and fellowship. I carry enough food around my midline, so I'm a cheep date. Final exam is saturday, so more or less after this weekend, I'm good for a day's fun. Sca
Ctwoodtick you're funny! Talking about moving in the near future, and all you can think about is how to move firewood! I was in the same boat as you just a few months back. The difference is, I had to move two residences into the new place! One move was 21 miles one way, the other move was around 35 miles one way. The 5 X 10 trailer I bought from home depot a couple years back sure paid for itself this past summer. Pickup truck with trailer and a SUV all loaded to the gills for each trip. Both places had firewood that I was not leaving behind. Just over 3 cord at the cottage and just over 4 cord at the house. It was all done by use of same trailer. The point I'm trying to make is just be prepared to make many trips (unless you hire a moving company) and get it all done with a truck/trailer combo!
Penske 17’ or 20 foot moving truck you can get 5 6 cord in there. But hey I didn’t always have heavy equipment like some. no weight restrictions cause you May be
I'm on the same page as ctwoodtick: I'd be thinking about moving a few cord too. Especially if it was 'drivin distance'. Leaving wood behind: almost sacrilege & against all values and morals........according the FHC 3 year plan. (But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do). It would be a lotta work, but not as much as cutting and hauling and stacking initially. I'd only sell if I could get the price I'd need to buy at the new location, and hope that was as seasoned as well as what I left behind.... Sca