I figure it's about time to start my own thread to limit jacking everyone else's. Most of the content should be wood related, but I'm sure there will be plenty of other things, too. Grab some popcorn, get a good seat and come along for the ride.
Here's a little about me. My journey here came from an interest in selling firewood. Unlike many, I don't have lots of trees on my property or places to cut. I tend to get what I can from tree service companies and scrounging. I don't have a huge inventory but it gives me a nice distraction from my 8-5 desk job and I love being outdoors. Currently I sell bundles and loose stacks in a roadside stand. It's SMALL operation. I plan to offer face cord deliveries next year (still building inventory for that).
I'm looking really really hard. But I ain't seeing no woodyard I guess I'll make some popcorn and sneK back later,
My Dentist told me his son in law lives in CT and makes a living finding free wood which he then process's and sells. He has made thousands of dollars! There’s money to be made out there. Good luck WinonaRail!
Thank you sir! I'm slowly building the business and trying to learn what works and what doesn't without spending a lot of money. This is strictly a side gig but I hope it can become a nice source of income for retirement.
Thought I'd explain a little about my process. This morning I bucked up some silver maple. I build racks using pallets (free and in great abundance) to stack rounds. I get tree service wood dropped off in front of my barn and do the cutting there. Then I haul the rack to my processing area behind the barn where it is ultimately stacked and stored. You can see how I stage the rack next to an empty IBC tote. I also use crates to hold ugly splits and bark. I get these with pallets from a local manufacturer. I split and stack straight into the totes. Then stack the crates and return the empty pallet rack to the drop area. I nearly filled a tote this morning. Everything in my processing center is for next year. Thanks for following along! Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk
I picked up a load of cherry last night after work. First time I ever paid for wood. A storm was coming in tonight so I unloaded onto pallets and staged them in my processing center. I plan to buck them up Friday or Saturday. They smell good! Sent from my QTAXIA1 using Tapatalk
Chipdrop came through after several months courtesy of Nelson's Tree Service from parts unknown. About half of it looks short or like trash but considering it was free, I can get some good firewood. What does everyone do with shorts? I have enough for my fire pit for several years already. I'm thinking about selling at a discount to try to move it. Sent from my QTAXIA1 using Tapatalk
Why wouldn't you burn them in your regular wood burning appliance. (I can't remember what you have) Use them to fill in the nooks and crannies or to make smaller fires for warmer days?
That would work great if I had such a thing. Unfortunately my gas burning appliance doesn't prefer them. Bear in mind that my journey into firewood mainly involves selling. I do plan to put a wood stove in my barn but I already have 2 racks full of shorts and several crates of uglies to burn so I'm not looking to add significantly to that inventory...yet. Great advice though! Thanks!
Shouldn't be too hard to sell if priced right. I love burning shorts on the fringe times of burning season.