Any heat to the banana peppers ? I tried anaheims this year and on a scovill scale of 500 to 2,500 they rate about a one, at least on the ones I've tried so far. Which is OK cuz I'm not into really hot peppers any more like I used to be, although I grew a few this year. I think my favorite peppers I ever grew were some cubanelle/italian frying peppers. They were better than a bell picked green.
Yes, a little. I think they're just right. I like 'em a little hot I like cubanelles. Never grew them though. I try to stay away from green bell peppers, they're too bitter. Red bell i really like but didn't have much luck last year. I think they got crowded out by the tomatoes in my boxes, but the ones i planted in my neighbor's garden did great...
Last year was the first year i successfully grew bell peppers. They looked good, tasted good but the texture was definitely off. Almost spongey...Definitely not the typical crisp texture that they should be. Toward the end of the season the bugs really started destroying them too. I'm growing some "habanada" peppers this year which is basically a heatless, sweet habanero. They are just starting to come in now and I'm pretty excited to try them.
I got what I think are the same peppers from Sandia Seed and they call them 'trick or treat' but are likely the same cultivar. I have a couple the right size but no signs of turning orange yet. My first picking of wax beans. Not too bad considering the rabbits were pruning them for me as seedlings as I just couldn't get a rabbit fence up fast enough. No signs of bugs too. Hoping it's late enough I missed them ? Replanted some that they really mowed down so I'll probably be picking a few every other or third day until frost. Yeah, that zucchini is way too big.
It takes them a while to mature Bill. I usually pick 1 or 2 off green before letting them hang to mature to color. I do this because the the plant will use all its energy to make the first set mature (color) and the later sets will be smaller size. Peppers love fertilizer.
I do the same. The colored ones so far were damaged. I'll pick early ones green as soon as they are big enough to enjoy to spur more blossoms and because I want one !
Not to change the topic but we are having the best celery ever this year. Grown in a large pot. Amazing flavor and growth. Tomato's are looking good also. Everything in large pots. Planted very late. In a drought. Odd year.
We had a very dry Spring (and end of Winter here) as well. I've never seen rhubarb do so poorly as this year. New young plants fared better than the old-timers for whatever reason(s). Getting some nice size poblano peppers. This one is fresh picked for breakfast.
Nice. Just finished breakfast. One sausage patty buried by a small diced tater, celery and onion. Skillet fried until well done. Drizzled a bit of Maple syrup on top and a good shake of Cayenne pepper and Garlic salt. My wife says I have strange tastes Our rhubarb actually was fair this year. Our Asparagus was top notch. Strawberries barely showed up.
I have 5 established rhubarb plants. I had a bumper crop. Gave a bunch away, as well as several bags in the freezer for a taste of spring, this winter.
Starting to get Tomatoes consistently now, in my barrels. But what’s weird is they are golf ball to tennis ball size... no large ones so far. Not complaining been good and tasty, just usually have some larger ones.
Same here, all my beefeater tomatoes have been celebrity size or smaller, no biggees at all. None of them have sliced out the size of a slice of bread. Yet. Taste pretty good though. Picked some anaheim peppers as they look big enough to pick. Plus 1pound 2.5 ounces of wax beans. And a few cayenne peppers. Getting hot out there under the sun again today. Already 90ºF and it was supposed to be cooler than yesterday according to the weather guessers.
Part of this morning's harvest. 21 ounces wax beans 1 orange bell pepper 1 mystery yellow pepper - it was in the orange and yellow bell pepper row - looks like a banana pepper. I've never grown banana peppers, until now I guess. Edit: Ok, I had no takers on the yellow pepper, so I took a bite out of the bottom. It's a HOT pepper. Not quite as hot as a jalapeno, a little more heat than a pepperoncini. Will be good with scrambled eggs tomorrow morning. Would be good in a kicky salad with some spicy red onion, too. Tasted a bit like a green Bell though. Maybe I picked it too soon.
Roma tomatoes kicking in now. Picked 25 plants yesterday. These are going to produce auction today. 2.5 bushels.
Hey.... good lookin’.... I just picked a couple more hot bell hybrids and saved seeds from the largest one. They are a nice size, and I like the heat level. Somewhere comparable to a Jalapeño with a touch of sweetness.