Here's a way to mount a 365/372 full wrap to a 268/272 One existing hole lines up perfectly You just have to add a second location Next to it. Just bend to downtube to fit in the recess I relieve the bottom corner To make it easier. The existing holes line up fine. The only downside is some brake flags are to close to the wrap. There is other versions that were made for the fullwraps. I'll try some different flags I have.
Just got this thing running, hoping to put it into service this week. Had to fabricate a spike for it out of a piece of diamond sawblade, going to build a pipe for it as well. If anyone has any brake parts for the Poulan Pro 655, Pioneer P61, P62, or P65, please LMK....I need the brake parts
Nice shop, I understand the wrenchs, I understand the clamps, I understand the bar oil, I for sure understand the beer. I'm scratching my head over the creamy peanut butter though!!! I've never used that on my saws, mouse traps, but not my saws...
Slow and steady And it’s got a Husky cork screw for a fuel line, that might be slowing it up. Sounds cool at idle
If guys treat those saws right, they last forever. I’m not a fan of them as a whole, but I respect what they were for their time. Bottom line— they cut wood. I’m tweaking an 036 build and am waiting on my plastic weld guy to fix up an 034 tank. That will be two 1125s this calendar year. I have a 460 case that I may throw together as well. If I have time (I won’t), a full build of a Husky 55 may happen this year as well. Used part saws are getting really tough to find up here.