My oldest step daughters FIL had a huge oak taken down. They had asked me about taking it down but too close to an outbuilding and being a two year dead leaner i opted out. The 36" DBH shied me away too. He had it taken down a couple weeks ago and i offered to help with the big stuff. Noodled to manageable size for him to split on his hydro. Second pic before we started. Ms. buZZsaw in the second pic! His Husky 450 too. 500i, 460, 036 up to the challenge. Tree guy bucked most of the big stuff. Random length of course, but he didnt care. Wouldve driven me nuts! Found a mouse nest with babies under a log as we were finishing up. Put them back after. Most of the top left to do and i may go back to finish up.
Heck of a job 4 sure. Whenever I start a noodling job now, I already have the ibuprofen and muscle cream ready!
Mrs. Buzz looks thrilled to be there. That was a lot of work and man that will keep someone warm for a long time! Great job.
I did. Two plus tanks thru 500, one each for 460 and 036. Ran good for the most part. It was the last saw i ran so it doesnt noodle as fast as the other two.
I dont know what he does for kindling. Her daughter wanted them for mulch in the gardens. I explained to him how to make firestarters out of egg cartons wax and noodles.
At the time she wasnt. We got there earlier (45 minute ride) as i knew it was a lot of work. Her daughter was coming from Rhode Island with new grand baby. She is always late arriving too! So the visit was two fold. It was weird to have her there while i was cutting.
I dont think anything would noodle quicker than a 500i. 22"bar perfect for noodling. It goes so fast it jams with noodles often. I like how you think though and appreciate your efforts to help my CAD!
Let me rephrase. I dont think anything I OWN would noodle faster than a 500i! Sorry to ruffle your feathers there Jason!
Holy crap! That’s a biggun!! I need to take a noodling class from you. I had to noodle some huge Doug Fir recently. It was a PITA. Took for-freaking-ever.
Good stack of firewood there. I've been noodling a similar sizes oak. My 036 was cutting way faster than my 066. I couldn't figure it out until the 3rd day. My 066 has a skip chain on it....half the teeth that the 036 has on it's bar. I've also dressed and trued the 036 bar. The 066 bar is 25+ years old and could probably use a file across it to help cut straight. My 026 worked great first day then couldn't maintain rpm in a cut second day. Took the air filter cover off and it was packed full of noodles and saw dust. Runs fine now.
Im not that religious about checking the air filters before or after cutting! I do have a 25" full skip chain and dont recall if ive ever used it to noodle. I prefer the 18 & 22" bars for that.
No it wasnt a great afternoon for working outside. There’s a little BL in that hood. Keep your eyes peeled
I did notice a nice BL top laying next to the road not far from there. 12" diameter maybe. The route off 66 in Cobalt...151 in think.