Just a few more around the yard Coming up the driveway To the right of the bulkhead above. Looking down the side of the house. Hosts and stargazer lilies. To the left side of the bulkhead. That hosta comes up to my knee. More gooseneck loostrife behind the hosta. They'll bloom in a few weeks Alongside the driveway are a few blueberry plants. As with most yards, mine could use some weeding and more mulch.
The stems are pretty strong. They are annuals related to delphiniums. They self seed, but I give them a little help. If you want some seeds, I'll save them for you.
I have a few Butterfly Milkweeds going the wind has been a little rough on them the last 2 days but the look pretty good overall. I found some Solomon’s Seal in the ditch across the road from the house. Across from my late neighbors house I found these what I believe are Yucca plants, I am going to try & transplant a couple of them before they get killed off.
The pink one with the upside down flowers and curled backwards petals look like turks caps, but there are so many kinds of and hybrid lilies you need either a lily expert or the tag that came with the plant. I have some cultivated day lilies and the orange ones that grow wild around here (ditch or tiger lily), plus some that came up from seed. Parentage can be almost anything. Same with the hostas that come up from seed. Some are unique and some look like a plain old green hosta that no one would want.
I'll go with turks caps 10 Lilium MARTAGON LILY Mixed Color Turk's Cap Lily Red Pink Orange Flower SeedsShip From USA
5 foot mullein. Septic field wildflower patch is starting to show colors. The small wildflower patch has a rabbit hunkered down in a hidey hole.
Watch out for those green ferns in your first picture. I find them to be very invasive. They spread by underground roots.
We have those down here too. My dad showed me how the old folks would take the long blades of the plant, stick it through a big piece of meat, the a knot in it and hang it in the smokehouse. Salt wouldn't affect it, like it will a wire or string.
We call these the Dr Suess flowers Bee balm There's pink bee balm on the far side. They usually bloom a couple weeks after the reds start to pop.
That is cool to know. I can see that - LOL. I'll never be able to call them by their common name again.
My butterfly weed started blooming too JimBear From the driveway - at the very top right is a granite block I sit on to read sometimes. The one you barely catch a glimpse of behind the creeping phlox, the bottom block is a foot rest (and that creeping phlox was not planted there - volunteer) From the back - what I see when I sit on the granite block to read
The wildflower patch really opened up this week with the rain. It is not looking so bad now that flowers are showing.