On advice from the FHC saw aficionados I ordered the oem outer dog and roller for my 044. While placing the order the shop owner had me come around the counter to look at the parts breakdown to point out what I wanted. There was a choice of 2 different outer dogs and no option for a different inner dog. I’m assuming the bigger one is for a western model. I ordered the one I thought would best match the inner dog already on the 044, the bolts and roller. After ordering and leaving the store I started thinking about how the roller will work with the inner dog. There’s no hole for a roller pin. I got a call last Friday that the parts were in. Went to the shop today to pick them up. Stihl rep happens to be at the store, so owner introduces him and asks if I needed to discuss anything. I think for a minute and tell him about an issue I’m having with a 150t. He offers advice yada yada, than I ask if supply chain has improved, he says no and that I should make big orders 6 months in advance. I mention saw scarcity and the good people that own the shop. I’m here for parts, so I look at the dog and can see it won’t match inner dog even if I don’t use the roller. I see mechanic John walk out, super nice and helpful guy, I say hay John this dog isn’t going to work with the inner dog and parts breakdown doesn’t show another option for inner dog. John says maybe 046 066 has something that will work. He looks and part # doesn’t match up. John says I know lets ask the the Stihl rep. to find it. Stihl rep figures out that John wasn’t looking at the right schematic to find the inner dog. I should also mention that John shuffled through the Stihl parts drawers looking for the inner dog, because he thought there was an outside chance they already had one. He didn’t find it, but the matching inner dog order was placed. I ordered a 3/8 .63 chain for a 28” bar 6 months ago and John remembered. It’s the only time I’ve ever ordered a 3/8 .63 chain. Today John says hey chud I got this 36” .63 bar if you’re interested. I left the shop today feeling like they made every possible effort to make sure I got matching double dogs and a roller on my 044. Blessed to have a Stihl dealer like that and also the cash only, tax free saw shop I frequent. Power Saws ftw!
Service is almost everything, for sure. One thing I have noticed about all of the Stihl dealers in my area, however, is that none of them seem to be able to navigate the parts pages in the catalog, very well. I think maybe the Stihl parts/schematic, etc on there computers is not very good or at least hard to follow, because no matter where I go, they can't seem to find anything or order the right or complete parts. Or heaven forbid, trying to upgrade something, talk about deer in the headlights look from them, usually. Examples are: falling dogs like you are talking about. Trying to get a matched set is like looking for a needle in a haystack, and don't even go there, to see about a higher output oil pump for you saw, because they never heard of doing that, and never ever even had a request before, and they sure as heck would never consider changing one out for you.
The shop owner and his wife will struggle at times, but they will also seek the assistance of the mechanic, if they can’t help me. I know what you are saying, it is a struggle communicating with folks that don’t know chainsaws.