I will answer that as not only a Senior Mod, but as a spectator, contributor and someone who's been (BOOTED) from another site simply because of a view point! There is/was another site that MANY here used to belong to. That site would STOMP any thought of opinion if it didn't align with a certain political view. There was a section called the "ASH CAN" thread in that arena that got BRUTAL names were called, threat's were made even to the point of people trying to find out where one lived so maybe violence could occur. When Scotty Overkill started FHC, I was one who came from that other site and he told ALL Senior members here we wanted a family oriented site, no politics or fighting. Many, many threads are started with good intentions but go south very quick!!! I'm not going to get into details of what happened over at the other site but I'll say this, it got very UGLY for some of us! Several here remember it quite vivid. *NOTE*. Regardless of any political affiliation, everyone here has something to contribute and when it comes to our passion, (Firewood) and heating, that is a non-political thing to most. Some it is. All us mods talk, we have an area unseen to you all that we discuss and make sure things stay on track. "I" locked my own thread for reasons spoken. It did not start political, but went left quick! No need to fuel that fire. And as I stated, unless you're a trouble maker, we want everyone here. So there is reasons and rules that ALL must apply to, even us as mods and admin. Nobody is being punished or singled out, things happen and with that said, thats why us mods scan the threads daily for just such a thing. I hope this is clear, I will be happy to answer anything if needed! Dave.
I agree 100%. Those topics are not why I come here. IMO we need more reasons to come together as a society, not divide.
I completely agree ! It is hard to grasp that we as a society have become so divided. Race , religion politics and the list goes on. It is everywhere and spreading like some sort of invasive vine. I will say one thing and you can agree or disagree but personally I think social media is a big part of this problem. It is too easy today to just go on F-book , Tic-Toc , Twitter , insta-clam , etc. and either get your 5 minutes of fame or Mother " ( you know the word )" someone up and down. Maybe it's just me. Sorry gang , rant over and signing out.
It does seem that threads have a longer run if the political talk is slanted one direction than if it is slanted the other. I do my best to ignore those threads.
It's pretty obvious based on signatures who controls this site. Check out who "likes" various political posts. Then all the sudden step up to stop "the political stuff." As for those that are truly neutral? Those users are the first ones banned. Then we all have a good laugh mocking them. I mean really, who would only have one account here? Thanks everyone, keep up the good work.
Interestingly, someone i grew up with, is rather opposite of us ideologically, politically, faith wise. That used to cause friction. But recently, I began a quest to ask questions, questions in order to learn, not questions to prove a point. I have started to ask just to hear....hear peoples hearts, hang-ups, and how that materializes for them politically and faith wise. In seeking to learn, I must SHUT UP, and be ready to hear something I've assumed, or flat out didn't know. Or was straight up wrong about. It is not my job to convince someone of something, make them understand me or where Im coming from, or otherwise get the other to change. I am slowly learning to love others without regard to their deserving-ness of that love. And when we love our neighbors, we don't need to shove our truth down their throats. "Getting along" isn't the most important thing I reckon, loving each other is. If we stayed in that spot, I bet we could discuss all manner of topic here, and be good with it. We may never become fast friends, but who says we need to? What turns me off, is folks who don't want to learn and grow, and check their 'firm' footing. There's only so much to be said at that point. Stopping here before I blither on longer. Sca
I refuse to post anything negative here. I have too much respect for the Mods and a lot of members. Stop the whining…
Keen observation. This is where I come to get my daily dose of confirmation bias. It's as good an outlet in that regard as any great institution such as CNN or FOX. I'm good with it considering the loyal opposition is in no way, shape or form underrepresented on any of the big platforms, news networks, etc.
As long as we venture forward knowing how things are here, we won't be surprised. I started a thread about electric vehicles that went exactly the way I expected. Honestly its kinda sad so many make decisions based on what a politician says. They (politicians) don't really have a good track record of honesty. Yet some eat up every word like its gospel. This site has far less politics than the other firewood site. The trolls take over every thread on other sites (especially on leap years ) Nothing was safe, someone posts a tree cutting picture, next comment, "Enjoy cutting that tree cause once Doug Ledouche gets elected all your freedoms will be gone and we'll all be put into work camps and you'll wish you could own a hand saw." I'm just scrolling thru thinking "where did that come from?" I still kinda wonder what ever happened to Whitespider and Uncle Mustache. I liked those guys.
Sirchopsalot I've had similar experiences and learned to listen for a long time before asking a question. Most times I get shut down, sometimes I get an answer where I can learn a little. And there are times the attacks start. I'm not Southern, but learned "Bless your heart". And spreading a little kindness and love may not get you a chance to share your opinions, but those watching can appreciate. Too often the personal attacks turn a conversation into a ruckus. Good blither.
I can't speak to whatever dirty diaper slinging extravaganzas happen on other firewood forums. There will always be the inevitable clash of personalities, and that holds true for people who might even be on the same side of the aisle politically. I think a very strange thing happens when two people start arguing about politics. People become the embodiment of their ideology, taken over in a way and stop seeing the other person as an individual. Each side sees the other as a threat to it's own existence. Neither side truly understands the other and what they think they know are a bunch of parodies/strawman arguments for what the other side actually believes. I dunno, maybe I'm way off in my estimation of how things got to be the way they are and what's blocking people from just getting along. Anyway I'm glad this site is kept clean of politics for the most part. If it wasn't I wouldn't stick around.