So my local dealer has this saw in, ready for me to pick it up. Anyone on he keeps have one abs have reviews?
I recall a forum member getting one, but I don’t think we ever got a review. Sure would like to know more about the 400 when you get yours. Maybe you can convince buZZsaw BRAD to loosen the grip on his walking around money.
Its actually a mattress fund. Last time i used some i couldnt sleep for weeks as the lump was gone. I havent been back to the local OPE dealer that had the two of them. Maybe they're open tomorrow and ill stop by! Going to rain here and i cant make firewood.
I have one.... Basically a 362 with a little more grunt. Throttle response is nice, but its splitting hairs compared to a 362. I posted a short review in another thread, Ill see if I can find it. ETA: Well, my 'review' wasn't what I thought it was. Its a nice saw, typical Mtronic Stihl. I can't say I was overly impressed, but I wasn't disappointed either. Dollars for Dollars, the 562xp feels like more saw. And I'm not really a Husky guy.
That's crazy! I stopped in at 2 stihl dealers looking at zero turns, and both stores had everything except the 500 and 400.
One OPE dealer i go to had TWO Stihls saws on the shelf when i stopped over a month ago. Havent been back there since. Did you get a new saw??? Havent bought one in a while, have you?
I forgot about that as i did see it in the thread. Congrats to you my friend! Not a bad little saw. I wouldve kept mine but had hot starting issues. I let it idle to prevent this and had carbon build up on the muffler screen. Dealer fixed for free even though it wasnt covered under warranty. Have you used it yet?
Yes, I used it that day I took that last pic. I have a big pile of ash branches that makes great campfire wood. I also used it to cut a pretty large willow branch that feel at my buddy's house. I'll use it today as well to make more campfire wood since we are going to our friends tomorrow and I'll resupply his wood supply for their fire pit. It's super light, and works great for this.
I have one and really can't knock it. Small = yes Light and easy to handle = yup A good little saw for the occasional job ; brush and small stuff = absolutely It's not a 500i by any ,means. For what it is I would give it two thumbs up.
I couldnt justify spending the money at nearly a grand OTD. I have a 361 and now an 036 Pro, 59 & 62cc's respectively. It was more my CAD than anything. Who knows maybe ill still get one.
It would have to be an AWESOME saw for me to sell an 044/440 ! But then I do have a sentimental attachment to the 044. In its day, there was nothing like it. SOOO light and fast ! Who can argue with a saw that turns up around 15 grand .
Ive never owned or used an 044/440/441 at 70cc's. The MS400 will be their first saw in that range since the 038 super which was 67cc's as well. I never went to the OPE dealer yesterday as i know they're are closed on Saturday. Still very tempted. Havent bought a saw since last month so im due!