Got a little break from my normal duties today. What to do? Start modifying the wood splitter or just use it as is for a day. Nice weather, use it, do a little learning before mods. Gotta say I haven’t been too impressed with this new splitter. Today I figured out why I’m not impressed and also came to the sudden conclusion I’m not hesitant to cut it up in pieces. Dang thing tried to kill me. Had a nice beech round on there. Wouldn’t split it. Not the first, more on that later. So when this happens I grab a split and stuff it between the ram and round to Get just one side of the round to push thru thru that six way wedge. Works eventually. Well this time half that round exploded out of the splitter and hit me right in the GROIN. Felt like line backer hit me in the jewels with his shoulders if ya know what I mean. Knocked me for a loop and long two cigarette break. That piece between the far tire and loG lift is what got me. Eventually got back to work and here’s what I learned. It’s not the splitter, not a lack of power I don’t think. Even tho I had a few 6&8” splits that stopped it dead. It’s that six way wedge. Mostly a design flaw in that wedge. If you look at the angle of the cutter, the downward slope of the bottom cutter and the remaining box beam they just don’t play well together even with a floating wedge. It’s jamming wood in that area hard enough to stop the splitter, often, about 50%. Not fun. What seems to happen is the ram is exerting tons of pressure against the wedge stop essentially locking it in that position. Not normally a problem but that box beam is in the way where most push throughs it would be a straight drop off. Only thing I can think of to explain it. Split one huge round without the six way and it didn’t even feel it. I purchased this splitter because it was US and mostly it’s ease to modify. Then after getting it home with a hole in the pocket I didn’t want to alter it. Changed my designs so that I wouldn’t have to chop off the wedges. I think I’m over that now As an aside there was a post about drying wood in piles that came up recently. Something I’m not fond of from past expirience but want to try again. Had an idea about one pallet flat and a pallet on each side raised to allow more air under them. Sort of like a shallow trough. This is a very poor representation of that theory. Originally planned to just Chuck all these splits on the rocks that are hidden under the weeds. Was hoping to do it before they sprouted but,,,,, Like I said, poor implementation using some rotten pallets that were destined for the pit.
Sorry to hear you had to get smoked in the you-know-whats on what was supposed to be your beech day. Dang 6 way wedge has a taste for blood now, time to 86 it before it goes back for seconds. I'm interested to hear how your elevated pallet piles work out in the long run. I'm lazy by design and would be intrigued to know if it works/saves you the hassle of stacking.
Sorry you got a low blow from the cls. I opted to avoid the 4way/6way as I hate it when they bind. I still stall mine with the single wedge, with honey locust primarily. Maybe use the 6 way on ash and maple? Beech,hickory,elm and honey locust can be brutal!!!! Never got a round in the berries though!!!!
Yeah I do t think the 6 way option for that splitter was a good idea. Box wedge coming in it’s future. Hopefully I can engineer the football plays out of it I’m getting tired of stacking myself. Plus if I build a true thru way it may pile it by itself with a little tweaking. That was my idea. To eventually just be able to back that splitter out of a pile as I go. Gotta say that beech is pretty dry already, mostly. The stuff that was dead standing anyway. There’s some green stuff but anything that was dead when cut I wouldn’t be afraid of burning come fall.
if the box wedge doesn’t work I’ll weld the original wedges back together and sell it. Maybe I should try some really gnarly stuff on the single to get a better idea of how much oomph it really has. At this time I think the biggest problem is that six way. I know that’s how they’re designed but with that beam there it’s a real problem IMO. Edit. I’m not hating on the splitter,,,yet. I bought it with the full knowledge it’s not set up to perform what I want it to do. All I am looking for is power, quality and ease of modification.
I’ll admit it could have hurt worse Just one of those things you experience less with wisdom and age.
It looks like the weld is letting go on that bottom wing. The wedge angles look pretty steep to me, but I’ve never seen a 6 way in person, so I don’t know what typical angle is on a multi blade.
To me that 6 way looks like it drives the bottom two splits directly into the beam. I would think that's a dead stop for the ram till something gives. I don't think I'd like that at all, even without pain to the family jewels. That looks like a design flaw to me.
No the weld is holding so far. What your seeing is the inordinate amount of force/friction that happens there. It rubbed the powder coat off quickly there. One of the clues that led me to my conclusion of a design flaw. Took a closer look at that pic. I see what your seeing. Looks like where two beads ended without melding together. I would not be surprised in the least if they start separating soon tho.
You have a gift for explanation. Took me a whole page LOL That’s exactly what I’m seeing happen. How’s your new hotrod doing? Looking to make some quick cash I might drive 26 hours for that
I sent the pic to my friend who is a splitter builder and he says the bottom blades are angled wrong unless it floats. The relief is wrong putting pressure on the beam.
Ouch! I've never even seen a 6 way. Can't begin to imagine what a mess it would be locally. Think Elm....... Guessing you will have smooth sailing with a standard configuration. Good luck.
Yikes! With my limited use of any splitter ive seen logs "pop"under the stress and tried to stand back when they didnt split right away. Cant imagine taking one where the sun doesnt shine. Put em on ice Joe to keep the swelling down! Hope you get it figured out!
It’s supposed to float but the ram puts so much pressure on it straight back it usually is locked. When it does float it works. When it doesn’t,,,,,
Heck, a 4 way on the one that was brought to Dennis's GTG would stall even that beast out some times, and that was oak. Granted it was only on the gnarliest crotches, but still. A 6 way? And that angle that just boobs up the splits/ log it's a recipe for faulure
Grease the wedge? I wonder if the relief valve is set at the proper pressure? Also, the close up of the 6 way makes it look like the wings aren't very sharp? Wouldn't help matters any...
Unless I am looking at it wrong, it seems like there is no sharp edge on any of part of the 6way. Isn't there supposed to be a bit of a sharp edge on the wedge?
Yes it is a little dull and the corners which contact first are rounded a bit. It’s about 60lbs of metal and I guess they do that so people won’t cut themselves to shreds on it. Almost every time you must pick up the wedge with one hand to get the splits out from underneath. Fun is. Shouldnt have to do that with a push thru but the wedge lifts itself. Ram another behind it and it’ll lift more. Eventually it’ll pop right off and go flying . Bottom line, the six way on this particular splitter makes a better boat anchor. Never been a fan of them anyway.
Two interesting points. Could have sworn I read someone did a test on one of these splitters and it was set low from the factory. I read a lot of stuff about a lot of splitters while making a choice tho. as for sharp I’ve often wondered if there’s a right and wrong on that. Personally I think sharp,,,especially for knots, can’t split it cut it. But I’ve seen opinions of hand axe splitters sharp is for cutting, dull is for splitting. Don’t know myself. I did build a floating fourway for my DHT 28. Had to float because that’s a moving wedge. Made It sharp. Worked great until it self destructed the floating mechanism. Didn’t feel too bad. It lasted much longer than the two factory units I destroyed. Six way is history. Box wedge or nuthin.