Posted pics of a LWB load of hickory and chestnut oak I cut a couple weeks ago-really pleased with what it yielded..approx 1/3 cord-so 2 more truck load fill this rail rack, the other takes 4 truckloads as its 6’ longer
Eh, I cut hickory when I want to, its prob 20% of my stacks right now-my best friend is a professional logger, was my catcher in baseball-if I want hickory, I say drag me up some hickory with the last skidder run…hickory is good, hickory is hard-it shreds gloves handling it…Red oak is my fave to mix with hickory
Could not do it without hydraulics Woodsnwoods , time has taught me…Its not about how tough I am, it’s about how smart I can be….Far from smart, far from dumb-when you add up what a spitter enables you to do, it’s a no brainer——my next one will have a log lift if Lord lets me live….
I understand!!! I grew up with a maul and axe!!! You still have yo roll around and handle presplits and post splits which are both heavy with the type of wood you have!!!! I think hickory and oak are double the weight of ash right!!!
Hickory and oak are very heavy when green. Dont know if double that of ash which is a rarity green around here. Most have been hit by the EAB here.