Hi All. Been a while since I've been on the forum here. I've been away from the wood game for too long... The last year has been crazy. FINALLY got to split my hoard/scrounge pile a couple weeks ago on a really nice weather day. Took the day off from work and got through the rest of what I had stacked up. The snow and ice melted enough to let me get at the pile. It wasn't much. Most of those rounds sat there for close to a year but the loss to rot was minimal. It felt so good to fire up the splitter and just get it done. I still have to fill in some of the wood shed. Another 2-ish cord or so. Thinking I'll fill the rest of that in with ash since it's the forward facing sections of each bay in the shed - they bake in the summer sun. Those front rows in the shed won't be burned until winter 2022 so the ash will definitely be good to go. In the coming weeks I'm hoping to get out back to bring down a couple oaks that succumbed to pretty bad storm damage - crowns totally missing. The ash, too. EAB destroyed and toppled in these relentless winds. Feels good to be back at it! Been a looonnngggg time since my hoard/scrounge pile sat EMPTY as it is now. It's very evident that my hoarding over the last year has been lacking. Shame on me, I know. The little guy has been helping me out more and more.... 8 months old and he's got an eye for firewood. Tries to crawl to the stack in the basement by the wood stove constantly! He helped me out in the sugar house this year, too. Future wood hoarder in the making!
Welcome back. How much maple syrup did you make this year? DaveGunter is working through his plan to do silvopasture up in Maine. Perhaps you could comment on his thread over here. How long until you start harvesting mushrooms? By the looks of your website, your products seem to be popular.. keep up the good work!!
Awesome old tractor and stacks pics! You blink and it’ll be 8 years not months. Time sure does fly with the little ones. Savor the time.
You're absence has been noticed Adam. Daddy duty comes first. Ill bet it feels great to back at it. Keep me away from wood for a week and im ! Great to see you again and keep the pics coming.
Thanks. We were only able to fire up the sugar house for a week this year with everything going on here and at the other farm I work at. Didn’t make much and it was all earmarked for a maple themed culinary retreat weekend at a place called Seed & Spoon. I’ll check out that silvopasturing thread - thats awesome! The cold weather strains of log-grown shiitake should start showing in early May. I’ll start force fruiting that wide range strains in June. I dove into indoor mushroom cultivation and growing mycelium this past December. Not nearly as exciting to me as log-grown but it’s been an awesome way to learn more about growing mushrooms. Chestnuts and different varieties of oysters.