Nothing like you get/got but we did have more snow this year compared to previous winter. Usually the Brook that runs through our property is really high at this time of year but it's well below normal, if you send anything, send the rain. We live in the Foothills of the Adirondacks, the Adirondack Park starts about 4 to 6 miles south of us. Thanks on your avatar comment, we enjoy watching the wildlife. This strong sun has melted enough snow on the hill in the back that we had 22 deer eating off it the other day.
I have to agree, my ma and dad have a mountain lion my ma has seen tracks around the house and pastures, I have told her many times if I see it, it's not going to be leaving tracks any more. Wolf's also, if I see them it's going to o be a one way ticket for them.
Still in the 50s only heading down to 48 tonight. I think I’ll skip tonight! Maybe have one in the am?
Only got down to 46 overnight. 52 now. House temp 66 so I started a small fire to take the chill off.
+11° F this morning . Still had some coals from last night in the stove. Put a few splits of seasoned aspen on the coals. A few pumps with the bellows and Fire . No doubt it would have started without. But it's fun to speed up the process . This house we are house sitting has a 1 cord storage room that's part of the live in basement. It's really nice to have the firewood around 50° And very dry.
+ 11 F here Still had coals from last night in the stove. Put a few splits on and a few pumps from the bellows and Fire ! Would have started anyway. But it's fun to use old fashion hand bellows.
34.7°F this morning. Currently snowing with no accumulation expected. Alligator juniper and a few pieces of oak warming up the house.
Tomorrow we'll bring in a load of Pine and the rest of the Cherry, it looks like the cold will be with us for a while. The sun is doing a nice job on the snow but some rain with the sun would be even better.
I studied and worked at CSU all of the 90’s (why does that sound so long ago??), and we lived out east of Eaton. A fun place to live, but too far from family.