Dyna Wood Processor for Rent | E. Hampstead, NH Anybody have any experience with this processor. I have about 6 cord of 10 foot logs to process. At 250$ a day I’m tempted to give it a shot just for s’s and g’s.
No experience but why not give it a try? You got the tractor....maybe all you need is a helper? $25 extra for the 6-way wedge.....
Yes, I’d have someone to assist. I was just curious if any hoarders had any real world experience. I’ll be sure to go to YouTube university!
Local Dyna dealer has one for rent. Not very impressed with his personality. There is a young man down the road from me buying pole length pulpwood and processing it. I spoke with him a few times and watched him run it. Seemed to do a good job.
Someone here has rented one, maybe two years, and has posted a good thread. Here we go.... Firewood Processor Rental 2020 (w/ pix)
My brother had his buddy bring his new Dyna over for a run a few years back...it was a larger model, would take a 20" log IIRC...it was brand new at the time and he was still getting used to it, and we took a long lunch...still had a ~10 cord pile by the end of the afternoon...I think there was something like 6 hours of run time on it by quitting time...nowhere near the cords per hour that the machine was capable of! Unfortunately his Dyna and hundreds of cords of split wood were lost in a "barn" fire the following July. Unless you are very organized, or experienced, it takes at least 3 (4?) guys to run one to capacity...1 to operate, 1 to load, and 1 to float (help load, clear splits from under the elevator, etc, etc)
Biggest thing there is manpower. You gotta be able to get the splits away from the conveyor, dump truck, trailer etc. 2cord/hr is nearly impossible unless the logs are staged, arrow straight & uniform in diameter. 3 men on sight & 2-3 trucks hauling the wood to wherever it goes & it can be done, but ya best be moving. 2' boiler length you could do it.
This is what I’d be feeding it. Fairly straight consistent size red oak that was brought out of the woods with a forwarder(clean). I can borrow a small dump truck. I have had 20foot grapple trucks turn around in the area I’d be using to process so plenty of space. My concerns are if I was only to use the 4 way the splits would be pretty large. Like need to be split again. Not ideal. Also how long the chain would last before needing to be swapped out taking up time.
That stuff will run well in the processor, chain will run all day no issue in clean wood. If you need to re-split you could run that amount on the ground with the conveyor & split it again. Still somewhat defeats the labor/time savings of the processor. Is there a 6 way wedge available? I wouldn't rent for what you have decked there personally.
Good point...those are "gravy" logs...should be able to CSS that pile in a couple Saturdays with a standard splitter (which Warner already owns?)
There is a 6 way but the site says for up to 10 inch dia. If I am going to go through with it I’d get more logs.
There was a member from Virginia who rents one annually. I think its Stlshrk if memory serves me correct.
buZZsaw BRAD Warner Great memory Brad. I only had a few mins and didn't read the entire thread. But, check out the two threads in my sig for some pix and in one of them I gave a pretty detailed blow by blow of my findings. FWIW, we rarely used te 6 way wedge, even with some things that were very large for the machines. 6 cords with some help and staging could be done in less than 3 hrs with some experienced help. YMMV. Best of luck and send pix! Big toys (tools) = big fun! The best we were able to do was a 2 cord dump truck load in 42-ish mins, that was 2 years ago.